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From the author: The topic of human biorhythms is certainly not new. However, it also contains interesting moments in which it is quite early to put an end to it, and by starting or ending with an ellipsis, it will give food for thought to all those who are not indifferent to synthesis and a creative approach to self-knowledge. Biorhythms or life rhythms invisibly permeate human existence, determining his activity and ability to adapt to changing conditions. That is, biorhythms are nothing more than periodic changes in biological processes that include the entire physical nature of a person. Despite the abundance of biorhythms and their differences, there are only two sources of their occurrence or generation: internal and external. In three dimensions, each cell, organ, system has both spatial and temporal organization, which determines sensitivity depending on time intervals or cycles, synchronizing their activities. The study of all kinds of cosmic influences, and Related sciences, such as chronobiology and biorhythmology, also study time intervals on human health and its rhythmic activity. However, without unifying them with cosmology, astrology and numerology, this knowledge covers only the physical and, partially, emotional and intellectual spheres of a person, without highlighting the particularly significant influences of the soul. From the standpoint of biorhythmology and chronobiology, from the moment of birth to death, each person has three rhythm: physical – 23 days; emotional - 28 days and intellectual / mental - 33 days, the initial phases of which coincide with the moment of his birth. In turn, each of these cycles consists of two: the first positive half-period and the second - negative half-period. However, some sources add to the desired rhythms and a more detailed gradation: Physical level - automatic functioning of the body (body consciousness). Physiological level - sensation of physiological processes, raw sensuality, endurance. Emotional level - emotional stability, mood, romanticism, perception of oneself and others, eroticism, creativity. Intellectual level - intellectual capabilities: memory, receptivity of knowledge, logical analysis. Heart level - heartfelt perception of the surrounding world and other people. Intuitive level - higher unconscious (non-linear) processes of creativity, aesthetic perception of the world, character, will. Higher emotional level - higher emotions (feelings) – insight, ecstasy, unconditional love. The highest intellectual level – connection with the universal mind and one’s life program, strategic thinking. In the absence of sufficient or existing synchronizing (adaptive) factors of the body due to various reasons: changes in weather, climate, time zone, diseases, the sensitivity of the human body to stress factors suffers. Human biological rhythms are influenced by light, body temperature, the rhythm of cardiac and renal activity. Biorhythms, like other properties of the body, are controlled by the human genome. HUMAN FREQUENCY BIORHYTHMSModern man, like a microcosm, reacts to spatial - wave and frequency influences, adjusting or resonating with them through biorhythms, which have three gradations or levels: high, medium and low frequencies. HIGH FREQUENCY - ultradian biorhythms - up to half an hour, including a 20-minute breathing rhythm, alternately replacing breathing in the right ( warming yang) and left (cooling yin) nostrils. MIDDLE FREQUENCY - circadian biorhythms - from half an hour to 6 days, including: 1) 4-hour nasal cycle; 2) 3-hour growth hormone production cycle; 3) 90-minute fast phase sleep REM sleep (the most active stage of sleep, during which vivid and complex images and dreams arise in the human mind); 4) twelve 2-hour cycles of organs and systems with their highest and lowest activity; 5) general daily / earthly / circadian / circadian / circadian (24 hours). LOW FREQUENCY—1) infradian - weekly; 2) lunar - circalunar - 28/29 days; 3) elemental - 18, 72 and 75 days; 4) semi-annual, annual (solar); 5) longer - individual numerological rhythms of the Soul and Personality - 3 and 7 year olds; 6) astrological / solar - 12 years (a significant influence on living matter of solar activity, the frequency of which is 11.1 years, was noted) and 36 years. MORNING LARKS, DAY PIGEONS AND EVENING OWLS or TYPES OF RHYTHMIC ACTIVITY Among general biorhythms, the most interesting for consideration are those that make up an individual portrait of a person’s rhythmic activity, called chronotype. For some reason, the one who first described these characteristics of a person seemed to have the best analogy with the world of birds. And so it stuck. Chronotype is an attribute of a person, reflecting the various functions of his body during the day, including hormone levels, body temperature, cognitive abilities, the need for food and sleep. However, for the most part, today a person’s chronotype is reduced only to the encompassing sleep / wakefulness phase , their beginning, end and duration. Moreover, normal fluctuations or changes in these phases are very small + or – two hours, allowing a person to adapt to social activities, work, study without much difficulty. Some violence against these biological processes leads to distress, forming CFS – chronic fatigue syndrome*. Despite the widespread belief that there are two types of rhythmic or chronal activity or simply chronotypes of humans - owls and larks, there are others. In particular, the lesser known chronotype of the pigeon, and, of course, those mixed types that I have identified as a result of my many years of research and observations. According to my personal statistics, obtained experimentally / empirically, in the world there are about 33% owls, 16% larks, 51% pigeons. Moreover, these are not “pure” types. Exclusively “pure” owls - 9%, “pure” larks - 5 -%; “pure” pigeons - 13%. Most people are mixed types - 73%, among which: lark-pigeons - 41% and owl pigeons - 32%. Of course, one should not draw a literal analogy with the mixing or mutation of birds, because the task in breeding new varieties of fauna, the author did not pursue :). The most attuned and adapted to modern living conditions, from the point of view of biorhythms, are pigeons, lark-pigeons, pigeon-owls. The generally accepted regime of work and rest is closest to the pigeon and lark-pigeon biorhythms , which allows them to synchronize their daily routine without compromising their health. Pigeon owls and owls are literally created for the entertainment sector, which involves evening and night time, or work, in which the midnight rhythm is preferable and / or more productive. Larks are distinguished by fairly high health indicators , however, the lack of biorhythmic plasticity when changing work / rest modes negatively affects their well-being. Sometimes a person adapts so much to a certain rhythm of work that he ceases to notice the negative impact of his own extra efforts. And they weaken and upset health, reducing life expectancy, due to exhaustion of the nervous system and due to insufficient compensatory ability for psycho-emotional and physical relaxation. MORNING LARKS and LARKS-DOVES “Larks” - rise at dawn, and already at 6-7 am high activity; the most productive performance is before noon (6-hour activity cycle), at 21-22 hours - deep and quickly onset sleep. Peak of minimal activity (drowsiness) - lunchtime and towards the end of the day. Two peaks of intellectual activity: from 8-9 am and until 12–13 o'clock in the afternoon and the second - shorter one - occurs in the afternoon - from 16 to 18 o'clock in the evening. Physical activity (the period of energy rise) of "larks" is also two-phase in nature: in the morning from 6 to 12 o'clock and in the evening from 16 until 19 o'clock. "Lark-pigeons" is a mixed type, allowing its representatives, if necessary, to adapt tothe morning rhythm of larks, which lengthens the overall working day. However, this rhythm has its own temporary declines in activity. Typically, this is the period after 16 hours in the summer and 17-18 in the evening. The best way to adapt for this type is a short half-hour / hour sleep, which allows you not only to recover, but also to smoothly transition to the evening-night pigeon-owl or owl work regime if necessary, without depleting the nervous system and the body's adaptive reserves. PIGEONS “Pigeons” are diurnal people. Their circadian rhythm is most adapted to the normal cycle of day and night. Their period of best mental and physical activity is observed from 10 to 18 hours. Pigeons get up a little later than larks, work quite actively all day, and go to bed around 23 hours. They are better adapted to the change of light and darkness. But even pigeons, when moving long distances, changing time zones and working at night, experience a disruption/displacement of their own biological clocks. For example, with a 3-hour time difference, they experience insomnia at night, drowsiness and fatigue during the day, as well as decreased performance. Moving / traveling to the west can lengthen the biorhythms of “pigeons”, and when flying to the east, shorten them. If the time difference is more 4 hours, then the development of a new stereotype of sleep and wakefulness will occur in “pigeons” only after 7-14 days, and the level of steroid hormones will normalize after 2-3 months. “Pigeons” tolerate moving to the east more easily than to the west. EVENING OWLS and DOVE -OWLS "Owls" are for pigeons and especially larks - dormouse are just the same. You can’t wake them up in the morning even with a tank; they can easily sleep until noon. Before lunch, these are quite lethargic and slow people, but in the evening, energy flows out of them like a real fountain, giving a head start to other chronotypes. In owls, unlike other chronotypes, there is a delay in the sleep phase. They have a period of fluctuations in circadian rhythms of more than 24 hours, or the so-called delayed sleep phase syndrome. Long-term experiments have established that evening-type individuals more easily adapt to night shift work and three-shift work. Owls also have better control over their sleep-wake rhythm than with other people. They prefer to go to bed later than 23-24 hours, but it is much harder for them to get up in the early morning hours. Many owls are impressed by their nocturnal life. Most owls have three peaks of intellectual activity. The first peak (daytime) is observed from 13.00 to 14.00, the second (evening) - from 18.00 to 20.00, and finally the third (night) - from 23.00 to 01.00. At the same time, the evening period is the most complete. The physical activity of owls has a slightly different character. It gradually increases starting from 14.00, reaches its peak at 19.00, after which it decreases by 21.00. “Pigeon owls,” unlike owls, are not “night dwellers,” but they can easily remain active until late (1-3 am), and getting up in the morning is much easier for them. True, with this regime, they need a short daytime sleep. An important clarification: by comparing human chronotypes and the biological rhythms of the highest and lowest activity of organs and systems, considered in oriental medicine (reflexotherapy), we get an interesting correspondence, which is as follows: If we take into account the time of the appearance of the ancient system, and this is more than 5 thousand years ago and compare the time of activity of, say, the large intestine, which occurs at 5-7 in the morning, then we will have a correspondence characteristic of larks, who, apparently, made up the majority of the population of that time. This and understandable, because by attuning to natural rhythms and their manifestations: sunrises and sunsets, the main activity can be compared precisely with this rhythmological and chronotypic cycle. Accordingly, the rhythm of the lark-dove will shift by about an hour, the dove - by two hours, the dove-owl - 2.5 - 3 hours, and owls even 3-4 hours later. In each individual case, knowing your own rhythm of work and rest, corresponding to the best biorhythmological
