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The main advantage of a psychological blog is the presence of a large number of ideas for posts and stories! Don't believe me? Let's figure it out: If in any month of the year you suddenly have a lack of inspiration, keep topics for your content plan that will add variety to your feed: 1. Post-acquaintancePost it every time you attract a new audience to your profile. (If you don’t have it on your page, do it urgently). You can attract an audience through a raffle of gifts and certificates (you can choose the closest holiday). You can give services, discounts, psychological books, or discounts on webinars. The main thing is not to leave subscribers without attention and care.2. Can I give your service or webinar as a gift? Or maybe there are gift certificates for consultations? Tell your subscribers in more detail who this gift would be suitable for and what problems it could solve.3. Client feedback. Make it a habit to publish client reviews in posts every 2 weeks, or publish cases or client stories. This has a good effect on statistics and attracts the attention of new customers. If in such a review-case they recognized themselves, their problems, this is 50% success and there is a chance that they will come to you for a consultation. 4. Five tips from a psychologist that work Describe techniques for solving everyday situations. Topics of time management, burnout, creating lists and wish cards, topics of goal setting, and of course money topics are always very relevant.5. Analyze a toxic habit We take as a basis a topic that most people face. This includes a disrupted routine, overeating during the holidays, the topic of gift-giving, the inability to say “no” and much more. Briefly describe the solution and, of course, invite you to a consultation for a more detailed analysis.6. Write a post about 3 of your favorite films. And of course, there may be several similar selections per month. Are you a couples psychologist? Publish films about relationships. Psychologist working with addictions? And such films also exist and you can introduce your subscribers to them. 7. Analysis of characters from TV series, from a psychological point of view. My favorite cut. How would you work with a client if DiCaprio came to you for a consultation or Angelina Jolie stopped by? Such analyzes are very interesting to watch!8. Your year in 60 seconds. Make an interesting video clip of the past year. And in the text accompanying the video it will be possible to summarize the results of the year. It’s great that this format will work in reels or clips. This idea is suitable not only for the New Year holidays, but will also go great on your birthday. 9. Tell your subscribers which of your services was among the top purchases last year and why. After all, if you conduct consultations, trainings, groups, why don’t you talk about them? Summarize your service, tell us what people came to you with more often this year and describe how successfully you worked through these problems with clients. 10 Dream. What would you conjure for yourself if you had a magic wand? Include your subscribers in their dreams. 11. Share your stages of life. Why do you study psychology? What did you dream of becoming as a child? What other training are you currently undergoing and why did you choose it? Can you describe this story from the perspective of values, what is important to you in an educational product? And in the comments to this article, of course, I look forward to your reaction, which of the ideas did you like? What will you write about in the next 72 hours??
