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From the author: This is a story from the series "Tales of Life", which shows one of the reasons for depression before the New Year. If something similar happened to you, please contact us, we will find the reasons and the resources you need to change your condition. There is still time until the New Year. New Year is coming soon again! Everyone is running around like crazy. People are shouting about sales on all corners! Our people are already booking cafes for corporate events... They say we need to prepare costumes for the holiday. Ivan nervously scrolled through his social media feed and didn’t notice how he began to be indignant out loud: - How tired of all this ! Vanity, nothing but vanity all around! Spending time and money on all these unnecessary gifts that then gather dust on the shelves... All these accepted summaries of the year, all the New Year's plans that are still not fulfilled... it only weighs on the whole year and depresses at the end of the year... - Well, why aren't they fulfilled, We have now fulfilled our annual sales plan. – Igor responded to his indignation. Ivan even shuddered in surprise. He looked up at Igor, his colleague in the department, and realized that he had spoken out loud. For a minute he froze in confusion. His thoughts were confused. Now we have to somehow get out. He felt like a complete idiot. Talking out loud, in the workplace, during working hours, attracting the attention of his colleagues in the workshop, did not characterize him from the best side. And statements about how he really felt in general threatened with unpredictable consequences. “What will they think of me now?” They will think that I have lost my mind... - The plan was really fulfilled, and the personal sales plan too. Plans for life remained unfulfilled. Ivan planned to go to the gym and start regular training, planned to go to the mountains, wanted to find a girlfriend, but none of this worked out. The gym membership purchased back in January has not been fully used. After a couple of classes, Ivan sprained the ligaments and spent a long time restoring the functionality of his shoulder, trying not to show or talk about his injury to anyone, even at the risk of being ridiculed for unfulfilled promises. And then, somehow the fuse disappeared or something. Or he became afraid of new injuries - in short, he did not fulfill his intentions. And Igor is far from a fool not to understand what plans Ivan is talking about. He cunningly turned the arrows to sales, although there was no mockery in his voice. He knew about Ivan’s intentions - they made plans together, began to go to the gym together, but Igor is still working out, and has pumped up his muscles decently, and Ivan, just as he was a “trash” (as he was teased as a child), remains so. And find a girl: how can he approach girls? How can I find a normal one? how to appear before her in this form?... And now he is angry with Igor, because he was able to do it, but Ivan was not. He is angry at the whole world, which is preparing to celebrate the New Year with joy and new achievements. But in fact, he is ashamed of Igor, and this irritation and anger are addressed primarily to himself, to that “trash” who did nothing to change, to change his life. And that’s also why he began to communicate less with Igor, but last year they were friends. Ivan wanted to say something sarcastic, as usual, but nothing smart came to mind. It seemed to him that 5 minutes had already passed and this prolonged pause was already putting pressure on him, but Igor suddenly continued, as if nothing had happened: “You know, this year is very important for me.” I forced myself to go to the gym for a long time, got ready, started and quit, thinking that everyone would laugh at me in the gym because I wasn’t pumped up. That’s why I started mixing it with you, so that it wouldn’t be so scary, it wouldn’t be so embarrassing. And when you stopped walking, I almost lost it. I missed a whole month of training when I realized that you had given up on them. I didn’t know about your injury and got angry with you. “How do you know about the injury?” – Ivan perked up. “Do you remember the other day I printed out the script for New Year’s Eve on your printer?” You said that you could take the papers from the box that you put aside in drafts. Then at home I looked at the back - there was printed information about a sprain, about
