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From the author: Continuing the topic of anger.. How to deal with it? How to avoid being angry? They often ask me. Let’s imagine: A man is walking down the street and hits himself with one hand with the other. With his right foot he kicks his left. Strangles himself or tears his hair. Scary? Funny? Well, it obviously frightens or surprises. This is what a person who is trying to “fight” his anger looks like, because it is part of him. A person who tries to deny or renounce such a part of himself as anger is just as surprising as a person who wants to cut off an arm or a leg. How to accept yourself with these feelings? How to allow yourself to be “angry” or “scary” or “bad” for someone for a while? It’s difficult. How difficult it is to answer for yourself in general. After all, if I have the right to be angry now for 5 minutes, to violently knock on the wall or shout, to suddenly call someone names... Then you need to take into account the right of another, not to accept me in such an expression, or to answer me in the same way... If you are not ready to cope with someone else’s rejection or fear, express anger in private. The energy of anger is a strong motor energy that charges the body: run, walk long distances until fatigue stops you, break bottles in a vacant lot, hit a pillow, scream in the shower under streams of water or mutter (sorrying the neighbors), play sports, have sex... Anything active that removes the energy of anger from the body. This is if you have already fallen under the influence of emotions and drowned or suppressed (restrained) and the body seems to be frozen or heated up like a volcano, or taut like a string, so that the suppressed energy does not escape through psychosomatic disorders. How to manage anger (anger, irritation) when this feeling (emotion) has just arisen and you have tracked its appearance. It’s good to track anger at the stage of irritation. What usually annoys you? When others are stupid When someone or something makes noise When someone is too loudly good or too loudly bad When they don’t understand or hear, don’t see, don’t notice When they don’t agree, don’t obey and much, much, much...What do all these stimuli have in common? Right! They are outside your body. What is so important about all these external factors that they become more valuable than you? And so, managing anger (anger) is always a return to yourself. Returning from the state of I AM OUTSIDE MYSELF to the state I AM WITHIN MYSELF. And what techniques help you with this: breathing, counting, writing, conducting an internal dialogue, noticing your body and what is happening to it... The choice is yours.
