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The client came to the appointment upset, pale, her body was tense, especially the shoulder girdle. This is not the first meeting, so tension has nothing to do with the therapeutic contact between therapist and client. When I asked what happened, he replied that he couldn’t come to terms with the presence of a cat in the house, which had also developed an allergy to fur. At the same time, the woman says that the cat is clean, but fur still flies from her son’s room (which he cleans himself), and when the animal jumps on the sofa in the kitchen, the fur flies. She told me about a friend of mine who recently came to visit and said that she didn’t smell like a cat at all, to which the client replied that she washes the floor several times a day. Me: why so often? K-t: otherwise it will be dirty. Me: what will happen if it’s dirty? The client was confused. Me: will something happen? Will someone get sick or worse yet die? Kt: no. Me: then why? K-t: this has always been accepted, since childhood, and for this reason, we never had animals at home. I again returned to the relationship between the cat and my son, this topic was raised in one of the previous sessions, urging the client to understand that this is an animal he needs it. Kt: I understand everything, but it’s cat hair, and I’ve become allergic to it. Me: please remember if you’ve always had an allergy to cat hair and when it appeared. The woman remembered honey, which she didn’t want to take from her friends, but they forced her on her, and when she ate just the tip of a spoon, she almost died from swelling of her throat . I had to call an ambulance. I returned to the cat, Me: but the cat was also forced, maybe that’s the problem? K-t: maybe. Then the woman again returned to the story about the dirt in her son’s room, and about the fact that they have separate dishes, since the son does not wash them well. After all, dust is bacteria and you can get sick from it, this is of course the son’s right to do what he wants in his room, but she cannot live in dirt. Me: Do you have friends whose apartment is not very clean and friends whose apartment is perfectly clean? K-t: there are both. Me: please remember how much more often those whose apartments are not very clean get sick. The woman thought about it and said in confusion to K.: there is no difference between one and the other. Me: There’s really no difference, is there? Kt: yes. But the house just has to be clean, that’s how it is. Me: who needs it? The woman was confused. Then she said that for as long as she could remember, she always washed the floors in the house, and her mother checked very meticulously and if she was not happy with the quality, she could pour a bucket of dirty water on the floor and force her to wash it. The woman began to cry. K-t: let everything be covered with dirt! I won’t clean up every speck anymore! She told me about the lump in my throat. Me: what is this com about? K-t: about what I want to tell my mom that I won’t clean everything out anymore. I’m angry, angry with my mother... And I feel sorry for her... K-t: but being angry is a sin... Me: a child is born with aggression, it helps him pass through the birth canal... K-t: ugh, as if the bag fell off her shoulders... And she straightened her shoulders... About six months have passed, the cat is the favorite of the whole family! What about allergies? The allergy disappeared, as if it never existed... The article is published with the consent of the client
