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Allergy is a manifestation of increased sensitivity of the body to substances that are harmless and completely safe for most people. The essence of this reaction is that the body begins to recognize certain protein compounds (allergens) as dangerous and protects itself with physical symptoms such as sneezing, itching of the mucous membranes, skin irritation, coughing, swelling of the nose, throat and eyes, and sometimes itching in the ears. The most common types of allergies include: a reaction to pollen of certain plants; animal hair, medicines, dust; mold spores, reagents, food. More unusual cases include irritation from sunlight or a combination of sunlight and cold wind (which usually appears on the skin). These cases differ in that the physical allergen is missing and therefore cannot be detected by tests. Only observation and comparison of factors preceding a reaction can help determine the cause of an illness or unexpected rash. In 2011, a study was conducted in the United States to establish the relationship between stress and an allergic reaction. In the study, scientists found that the immune changes underlying this disease are very similar to those observed in people experiencing severe stress. It was revealed that in response to serious psychological and emotional situations, the brain triggers not only behavioral, but also physiological reactions. A person’s hormonal background changes, which in turn triggers changes in the endocrine and cardiovascular immune system. The human body becomes more vulnerable and susceptible to various kinds of diseases. WHY DO SOME PEOPLE DEVELOP ALLERGIES AND OTHERS DO NOT? It all depends on how sensitive a person is and how developed his adaptation skills are. For one person, the problem seems difficult, but solvable. For another person, the same problem is spontaneous, and he is sure that he cannot cope with it. Psychosomatic research has shown that prolonged internal conflict can lead to feelings of helplessness and hopelessness, which can cause physical painful symptoms in the brain and nervous system. In other words, when a person becomes psychologically unable to cope with a situation, the problem goes into the body. WHAT TO DO WHEN AN ALLERGY APPEARS?1. Seek advice from an allergist-immunologist. Get tested (if necessary). It happens that despite the presence of symptoms, factor analysis does not reveal an immune response. In this case, the disease can be characterized as purely psychosomatic. According to the psychosomatic theory, the cause of symptoms is not the allergen itself, but the mental state at the time of contact with it.2. Seek help from a psychologist. The most common causes of psychosomatic illness are stress and intrapersonal conflict (conflict between parts of a person’s personality). Let’s look at an example of how an allergy develops due to a psychological problem. Ivan has been in a state of internal conflict for a long time. He has problems at work. The boss gives a lot of tasks and sets short deadlines. The young man does not succeed, receives a reprimand from his boss, but in response he cannot argue his point of view. He doesn’t want to conflict with management. He has problems at home. His wife regularly expresses her dissatisfaction with him. “He pays little attention to her and works all the time, but at the same time he brings little money into the house.” Ivan silently accepts the reproaches, he does not want to quarrel with his wife. This whole situation takes a lot of strength from him. He feels helpless and hopeless. And in this state, a stray dog ​​attacks him on the street. Ivan drives her away, and after some time he begins to show signs of allergies. Even if Ivan’s living conditions subsequently change, the reaction already developed by the body will most likely be repeated. When the body encounters this protein.
