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Greetings, dear friends!!!! Today, my colleague and I, during our day off, in addition to barbecue, aromatic coffee, invigorating drinks, bath procedures, we decided to perform several art therapeutic techniques. To bring, so-called, novelty to our vacation. It’s good that we prepared for this in advance, in case some idea pops into our psychological heads, collecting a lot of things, paints, stones, shells, paper, plasticine in a backpack. and even pine cones))) And with one of the techniques, I would like to share with you. ART - TECHNIQUE “TWO TREES”🌳🌲If they touch the inner strings of your soul, take it into your life, not only for relaxation, leisure time, but, also for self-knowledge, filling with emotional resources, self-support? So, on a piece of paper, on the LEFT PART OF IT, we depict the first tree. It will display our shadow aspects, the shortcomings that you realize in yourself. These could be: ✔️ Physical. ;✔️Intellectual;✔️Spiritual;?✔️Energy and so on. 🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳My colleague in the photo is in the process of depicting this very tree. Next, we proceed to depicting the second tree⬇️⬇️⬇️ . On the right side of the sheet! we depict the second tree 🌱 THIS IS YOUR BRIGHT SIDE 🌻 When drawing a tree, as if we were investing, we place in it: Those strengths, qualities, gifts, talents, abilities, resources, character traits. What you like so much about you ♥♥♥What reveals your personality and individuality to the fullest! IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT THE TREE, REFLECTING YOUR STRONG, LIGHT SIDE, WAS HIGHER, BIGGER, WIDER, POWERFUL, STRONGER, MORE STABLE, MORE ATTRACTIVE. You can even draw strong, wide roots that give the tree power, support and support? At the end of the process, we will have a wonderful opportunity to look at ourselves as a kind of work of art. With its own shortcomings and strengths. Vulnerable frequent and supporting ones. Notice your healthy non-ideality!!! THERE IS NOTHING PERFECT IN THE WORLD AND DOES NOT EXIST! And if there is, it’s no longer alive!!!!!With the help of this art therapeutic exercise, you can very carefully touch the most hidden corners of your soul, notice your uniqueness and give it a place in yourself!!!! Good practice!
