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From the author: In science it is customary to generalize and typify. In this psychology is similar to horoscopes, although scientists generalize people into groups on a different basis. Find yourself or your friends, colleagues in G. Selye’s typology. Ironic and informative. Doer. A collector of facts who is completely devoid of imagination, he is like an archivist, accumulating facts ,precedents, collects information. Brings benefits to others who can process arrays of data. Improver - trying to improve the old, known. Thinker. Bookworm - owner of dead knowledge, without practical orientation and the ability to apply it, are proud of their awareness Classifier - based on the collected facts, tries to formalize their classification or system . Or fit the facts to the system. Analysts - they try to dig down to the fundamental principle, take the whole into pieces, then forget “how it works” and often collect all the pieces into a whole in an indigestible form. Sensitive. Big Boss - his motto is success for the sake of success. They work in collaboration, love recognition, do their work with someone else’s hands, not forgetting to collect “well-deserved” laurels. Participate in feasts, presentations, commissions and meetings. Troublemaker - trying to do everything in a hurry, quickly, without love, just “leave me alone”. Fish blood - no achievements, no attempts, no mistakes... Disappointed skeptics. Dried laboratory Lady – harsh, arrogant, domineering, unfriendly, unimaginative “class ladies”, snobs, feminine, more arrogant and prejudiced hypostasis of “fish blood”. Narcissist – egocentrics in their purest form. Delighted with his exorbitant talents. Ready for thorns if they lead to the stars. They are divided into “mimosa-like”, looking for sponsors, investors and philanthropists, and “grumpy torreadors”, fighting a cold world that does not understand them. The aggressive debater is a former school erudite know-it-all who annoyed everyone in all lessons. First-class sharks are PR lovers. As many “tags” (your last name) as possible in various publications. Saints are knights of Goodness and Justice. Silverless. Self-deprecating Altruists - this quality hinders their own success. Saints - sanctimonious imitation of Saints. They want to appear, and not be, “for justice” and “goodness.” They operate with these concepts to gain good fame. Dobryachki are former teacher’s favorites. It is NOT a good idea to conduct creative research, because they know exactly what is “correct” and “correct,” as well as what currently corresponds to “party policy.” Lack of initiative, insipid. They try to guess the correct answer in the eyes of the supervisor. Ideal. Faust. No comments here...Famulus - he still has everything ahead...Besides, the ideal types are given by the author not in order to achieve them, but so that they indicate the Path. Do you recognize anyone? I found out. I cried and laughed. And I decided something for myself. Yours Irina Panina +7 963 717 777 3Together we will find the way to your hidden capabilities!
