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"Logic of the unconscious" In Matte-Blanco's theory, which explains how the unconscious structures itself, emotions are considered as mathematical infinite sets. A clear introduction to the fundamental concepts of Matte Blanco is offered and their applications are explained. Basic psychoanalytic concepts are examined "bi-logically", and ideas are related to key thinkers in various disciplines - from mathematics to anthropology. A new approach clarifies the emotions behind thoughts and the thoughts behind emotions. The book is addressed to everyone involved in the advancement of psychoanalytic thinking . The book is based on the results of the work of a group of like-minded people who were inspired by Matte Blanco’s way of thinking and proclaimed its significance for future research. Afterword to the Russian edition The works of Ignacio Matte Blanco, an original thinker and practitioner of the South American psychoanalytic school, are, unfortunately, not yet very well known in Russia. The focus of this work is a review of the main ideas of his scientific heritage through the prism of the modern ideas of his student, representative of the London club of followers Eric Rayner. Matte Blanco's focus was on the processes of unconscious and emotional thinking. Drawing on mathematical set theory and Freud's concept of primary process thinking, Matte-Blanco proposed his own concept of bi-logic to explain the phenomena of unconscious thinking. He discovered that unconscious thinking, based on the principle of equality of part and whole, functioning as a whole, resorts to symmetrization. Thanks to the consideration of symmetrization processes, it became possible to gain a deeper understanding of the connection between feeling and action, as well as such processes as intuitive comprehension and cognition, the connection between emotional thinking and affects. The processes of infinitization and symmetrization considered by Matte Blanco make it possible to develop original explanatory models for understanding the dynamics of the development of psychopathological processes, such as manic affect in bipolar mood disorders and the accompanying ideas of omnipotence and one’s own greatness, processes of updating latent signs, symbolic thinking and mechanisms of delusion formation based on categorical mistakes of patients with schizophrenia, magical thinking of those suffering from obsessive disorders. Through the prism of these concepts, the understanding of the processes of projective identification and splitting, the mechanisms of psychological defense (regression, splitting, repression, denial, destruction of what has been done, reactive formation) becomes clearer. Matte-Blanco criticizes the unfortunate terminological dilemma of object relations theory caused by the use of the term object to describe the structure and dynamics of the subject's experiences. Thanks to the processes of unconscious thinking he describes, the concepts of fragmentation and partial object are more fully revealed. He provides an explanation of the phenomenon often observed by practitioners, when too hasty, “frontal” confrontation and interpretation of the processes of projective identification in the therapeutic relationship leads to an increase in the patient’s defensive and defensive response. Within the framework of this work, a comparative analysis of the concepts of Matte Blanco and modern ideas about the nature of the thinking process from Piaget and Lévi-Strauss to Edelman and Stern is carried out. Like Kurt Lewin, relying on the ideas of Matte Blanco, the author attempts to extrapolate the physical and mathematical theory of chaos to the nature of unconscious thinking, analyzing the phenomena of unpredictability and spontaneity, both in everyday communication and within the framework of the dynamics of therapeutic relationships, unconscious communication between the client and the therapist . The author, on the one hand, strives for an intelligible explanation of the ideas of Matte Blanco and his followers, on the other hand, criticizes them, revealing weaknesses, and thereby more clearly outlines the revolutionary contribution of Matte Blanco to the understanding of.
