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I was prompted to write this article by an incident I saw on the street of our city. I went to work and enjoyed a wonderful sunny morning. The mood was wonderful, but suddenly I heard a scream and selective obscene language coming from behind me. Before I had time to turn around, a boy of 4-5 years old ran past me, in tears, and his father ran after him, who uttered words of abuse at the child. The boy ran towards the kindergarten. To my remark “How can you treat your own child like that? You’re an adult!” “He reacted aggressively and angrily. I walked the rest of the way to work and thought. Well, firstly, there was a residue in my soul from the fact that a man decently dressed in a suit and with a diplomat in his hand said rudely and tactlessly that the child was scared by his own father. This was a situation that you may also sometimes observe on the streets, at home when someone stranger, or maybe even a person close to you, humiliates and insults a child, not realizing that by doing so he is teaching his own child a model of behavior and behavior. Adults are role models. And it is very difficult to hide anything from the baby. He notices how parents communicate with each other, how you can say on the phone “Mom is at work” while mom is watching TV. How parents are hypocrites to guests who come to a family holiday, “we are glad to receive gifts,” and the guests leave the door and a heated discussion and “washing out the bones” of everyone begins. Dad smokes a cigarette and drinks beer and at the same time tells his son or daughter that it is very unhealthy to smoke and drink, and it has simply become the norm for a young nursing mother to smoke a cigarette in front of the baby. The child copies you, dear adults, and how sad isn’t it all that you invest into your baby, that’s what you get. Children copy the behavior of adults. And then why be surprised if a son or daughter, growing up, “responds” to their parents with the same humiliation and insult, and sometimes anger, aggression, which they once experienced from their “loving” parents. Is it really important in our lives to be “correct”, decent, honest, kind at work or with people from whom we are afraid to receive a negative assessment of our behavior? What if others, whose opinions are very important to us, might think badly of us? And you can call your own children names, be rude, “inflict emotional pain,” “make them guilty.” Children who grow up in love and mutual understanding grow up confident, purposeful, kind, with positive emotions and a positive and kind attitude towards the world around them. Children who have been humiliated, insulted, beaten grow up withdrawn, embittered, not trusting the world, unable to enjoy anything in life. In a world where there is no mutual understanding, it is difficult for love to live. A family is also a world, albeit a small one, but if it’s uncomfortable, painful and you want to hide or run, then the adults are to blame for this, who for some reason created a world of humiliation and insult. A healthy nation means healthy children, it means laughter, joy, smiles . Are your children comfortable around you??
