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I’m ugly, but no one will know about it. All my photos on the Internet are perfect. My whole life is online. And there they know me as a beauty. I have such photos there that you will download. I have a different nickname online, not at all similar to my name. I live and write under it. I'm talking about what's happening. The truth is that this is not happening in my life, but in the life of Avatar. Subscribers are delighted. Even my friends do not know that the channel they are subscribed to and admire is mine. I also have an account under my name. There, on my avatar, I just change pictures from the Internet - flowers, animals. This is for close communication. In principle, I really like everything. But I began to notice that I was jealous of my Avatar. I’m starting to get angry with him. It’s as if the Avatar lives, but I don’t. I can’t imagine what to do with this. But it can’t continue like this... Photo filters are a wonderful thing. You can change your image, try new things. Trying on something interesting without radical changes in appearance Having fun by changing the avatar on the page to suit your mood is very cute and funny Writing stories from your dreams with yourself in the leading role, and then discussing dreams with your subscribers is a wonderful creative path. To be honest, this is a fairy tale invented by you) Problems begin when the Avatar becomes the only thing that you are ready to present to the world. The fear of presenting your real self - as you are - leads further and further into the wilds. And instead of cute jokes, a Monster grows out of the Avatar, which rules you , your life, the Avatar indicates how you should look, what to do, how to live - in order to remain ideal and show up to the world. You take artificial photos, passing them off as real. Then you start lying about your life, convincing people that it is real, and the circle closes - you can no longer show yourself as real. We have to admit that before this it was not true. The origins of this problem are in difficulties regarding oneself. In assessing myself as some kind of flawed creature who is not worthy of being in society, ugly, my life is not interesting to anyone, not worthy of love, respect, recognition. One of the three basic fears of a person is the fear of rejection. It is especially pronounced in a person with the status of Codependency. About the other two fears you can read the articles Codependency and the fear of death, Codependency and the fear of madness. In childhood, the child was not allowed to understand that he is significant and interesting to the world as he is. The child fantasizes Himself as he could be interesting. , good, significant. Children in families where there are no problems with recognition also have such fantasies. This is the norm at a certain age. Normally, when growing up, fantasies give way to real actions. A person grows, develops qualities that are important for social interaction and learns to accept his own characteristics and imperfections. In the wrong way, a person remains in fantasies about his Ideal Self. About who the world will love. The way to stay in such a world without fear of rejection is often Avatar. What to do; deal with self-identification; bring self-esteem to an adequate level; accept that you are not ideal; accept deep down in your soul that you are who you are, but you have the power to change; learn to live on your own in the world. This is a classic work in codependency therapy. It is long, but quite doable. The fear of rejection will never disappear completely - it is impossible. We are social creatures, and people are unable to live in complete isolation according to the laws of the biological species. Taking the fear of rejection under control and not letting it rule your life is the task of the Personality. If it doesn’t work out yet, come for help. Together it is easier to find support in Yourself and in the World in order to Live. And the Avatar will remain just a cute toy))) Study articles on the topic of Codependency Here Pictures in the article are taken from the World Wide Web I’m glad to see your “Thank you” under the article if it was interesting. I’m glad to see your comments if you want to share your impressions, give feedback or chat on the topic articles among themselves. Subscribe to know how to help yourself. Come for consultations. We will walk YOUR path to
