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From the author: It often happens that a person falls ill for no apparent physiological reason, and doctors just shrug their shoulders, because therapeutic treatment does not bring results. In this case, it is worth seriously considering whether the disease has a psychological cause. The literal meaning of the term “psychosomatics” is associated with two of its interpretations, based on the translation of the Greek words “psyche” - soul and “soma” - body. Thus, through this term the connection between our psyche, mental experiences and bodily reactions, symptoms becomes especially obvious. The basis of any psychosomatic disease is a reaction to an emotional experience, accompanied by functional changes and pathological disorders in the body. According to modern concepts, psychosomatic diseases include: - bronchial asthma; - ulcerative colitis; - neurodermatitis and other skin diseases (psoriasis, vitiligo); - rheumatoid arthritis; - cardiovascular diseases (including hypertension); - oncological diseases; - frequent colds; - stomach ulcers; - nervous tics; - enuresis; - migraines and frequent headaches; - a tendency to accidents. There are seven main causes of psychosomatic illnesses: Internal conflict. A conflict between parts of the personality, conscious and unconscious, a conflict between the eternal “I want”, “can” and “should”, combat between which leads to a destructive “victory” of any of the parts. For example, when overeating, you can often hear an internal dialogue when one part of the personality says: “I want to console myself, please myself with food, forget all these troubles.” And the second part screams: “Stop eating right now, look who you look like.” The task of psychotherapy in this case is to reconcile both of these parts with each other. Motivation. Or, more simply put, a conditional benefit from illness. This is a very serious reason that causes strong resistance when realized. For example, often a person suffering from a serious illness is a source of increased attention, love and care from family members and loved ones. And it is very difficult to admit to yourself that the fear of losing such support is preventing you from recovering. The effect of suggestion by another person. Family scenarios or family patterns take place here. For example, if there is a disease such as diabetes in the family, parents may, out of fear, limit their child’s intake of sweets and frighten them with this disease from early childhood. It’s paradoxical, but even with such strict restrictions, there is a high probability that the child will still get sick, precisely because he was taught about diabetes from the cradle. Elements of organic speech. Everyone has long known the common phrase “Our thoughts are material.” The brain perceives everything that we say and think about as a guide to action. Therefore, illness can be the physical embodiment of a phrase, for example: “My heart hurts for him,” etc. Identification with a significant person. This is an attempt to be like someone. But, constantly imitating another, a person seems to distance himself from his body, and the body usually does not forgive such an attitude towards itself and begins to hurt. Self-punishment. If a person commits an unseemly act from his point of view, he sometimes unconsciously exposes himself to punishment. Self-punishment is a very common cause of many injuries and somatic disorders. Painful, traumatic experiences of the past. This is the most serious and deepest reason. As a rule, these are mental traumas from early childhood, which a person may no longer remember at a conscious level. But bodily memory remains with us forever. The general, basic cause of psychosomatic diseases is alexithymia. This is a person’s inability to express his emotions, feelings, experiences. As a rule, alexithymia is observed in socially well-adapted people who have been accustomed since childhood to a ban on self-expression. Then the language of the organs,
