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Hello dear readers! I continue the conversation about children and parents. Nowadays, expectant and established mothers often turn to me with a request to advise in more detail on how to avoid mistakes in the development and upbringing of their child? What needs to be formed and what needs to be paid attention to at each age of a child so that he grows up to be a healthy, successful and happy person? And how are successful and unsuccessful habits and life scenarios of a child established? Important stages in the development of a child from 0 to 15 years old - this is now topic number one for parents! There are important stages in the formation, development and formation of a healthy, happy and successful personality, and each of them has its own tasks: Stage 1 - from the moment of conception to the birth of the child - Emotional and psychosomatic health. The main life position is formed. Stage 2 - from birth to 1 year - Feeling of oneself in this world. Stage 3 - from one to three years - Formation of a life scenario (unconsciously) Stage 4 - from three to five years - Strengthening the life scenario (bringing to conscious plan) Stage 5 - from five to seven - Confirmation of the life scenario and finding strong evidence. Stage 6 - from seven to nine years - Socialization based on the formed scenario. Stage 7 - from nine to 11 years - Playing out the accepted scenario. Stage 8 - from 11 to 13 years old - Searching for answers to the question why I have this and not another. Confirmation and consolidation of the life position and life scenario. Stage 8 - from 13 to 15 years - The age of the rebel - I want it differently. I like the discoveries in the transactional analysis of the Eastern version and every day I see practical confirmation of this! There are four main life positions that form a certain life scenario: I am disadvantaged - you (or the world) are prosperous. (Losing - winning). I am prosperous - you are not prosperous. (Win - Lose). I am not prosperous - you are not prosperous. (Losing is losing). I am prosperous - you and the world are prosperous. (Win – win). Based on this, the choice of scenario is formed: Lucky, Average and Loser. And as a result, allowing or denying yourself opportunities, abilities and other blessings of life! And so my clients and I begin an interesting, but not easy journey into the subtle world of the influence of parents on the fate of their children as a whole. The age from conception and the intrauterine period is an important stage of development a child who is often not taken seriously by parents and is overlooked. And here the very first and most important attitudes towards oneself, the world and the feeling of oneself in this world are laid. You've probably heard that every child behaves differently in utero and, even when still in diapers, has its own character. This is the result of genetic inheritance and how his intrauterine development went. A child whose parents did not want will be weak in health and uncertain in life; it will be difficult for him to reveal his potential without anyone’s support or patronage. The task of parents during this period is to let the child feel that he is desired and loved simply because he exists. It is important to create a feeling of calm, comfort, security and safety. These are the basic states of a healthy and successful personality, which are laid down from the first days and months of intrauterine life. Emotional states obtained during this period are formed unconsciously and are felt by a person throughout his life. Emotions and feelings of the mother nourish the baby’s nervous system like water to a plant. Therefore, during pregnancy, it is important for a mother to do only what fills her with joy, inspiration, peace of mind, a sense of security, studying something interesting to her. A mother’s thoughts also have a magical power on the child’s development process. Therefore, accompanying a psychologist during a woman’s pregnancy is very important! And if the mother experiences feelings of anxiety, fear, insecurity, doubts about her own worth.
