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In a woman’s everyday life there is a lot of monotony: work-home, home-work. Very often this is the cause of negative emotions, irritation and dissatisfaction with life. One of the reasons for such conditions can be considered the lack of positive emotions in a woman’s life. Most often, all types of conditions overtake us during the long winter months, when it is dark, cold outside and the sun does not appear for weeks. Scientists have proven that gray skies and a gloomy day outside also affect the physical and emotional state of women. The life of our great-grandmothers and grandmothers was not arranged at all like this. During the long winters, they were forced to do things that they did not have time for in the summer. In the old days, on long winter evenings, women gathered together to knit, embroider, and spin, accompanying their work with singing or talking. This is how they interacted with each other and did not drop out of society. In the modern world, despite the benefits of civilization that have allowed women to have more free time, there is no longer a need to spin or knit. In the household, there are continuous helpers - a washing machine, microwave oven, dishwasher, vacuum cleaner and other household appliances give the housewife extra hours, which it would seem could be spent on creativity. However, the freed-up time does not add anything positive, and the fading need for people to communicate with each other live has led to the fact that many communicate with specialists - psychologists and psychotherapists. We cannot discount the pace of time of modern society, which simply takes energy from a woman. Try to maintain such a schedule yourself: work, children, household chores, supermarkets, etc., but there is not enough energy for everything, and there is no time left for yourself. Where can you get positive emotions if the long winter is so depressing that you don’t know? , how to survive until spring? There are many ways to get positive emotions and to do this you need to leave the house (fitness, running, skating rink, etc.). This is not suitable for everyone; you don’t always have the desire, time, or mood to go somewhere. In this case, creative activity can be an effective way, during which you combine, imagine, change and create something new. Any creative work helps to relax, since fantasy, research, experimentation in the process of creative activity distracts from everyday life and creates a zone of emotional comfort. The word, creativity often frightens a person and, unfortunately, the stereotype of thinking, “I have no talent” makes one give up creative activity. We offer you a simple method of visual activity, in which the ability to draw is not at all necessary, you just need to take the material and create what you want Your internal state will tell you. In the process of creating creative work, you will naturally be able to express what you feel at the moment. Nowadays, various materials are used in drawing. We suggest drawing with wax crayons and an iron. This action is called encaustic, that is, painting with colored wax. To do this, you don’t have to be able to draw. Just organize the process of creative activity, and the result will be the manifestation of your individuality. Description of the activity process. For work you will need: wax crayons, an iron, newspapers or sheets of thin paper, cardboard from candy packaging, an ironing board, etc. the same fabric if you are making panels or plain clothes. You can try it on old T-shirts for the first time. Work process: 1. Make crumbs from crayons, you can store each color separately, you can mix the colors. Imagine! 2. Cover the ironing board with an old cloth and newspapers so as not to spoil it; 3. Take a cloth or a T-shirt (if you chose a T-shirt, then you need to insert cardboard inside so that you don’t get a print of the design on its back); 4. Sprinkle with crumbs, cover with paper and irons it with a hot iron. That's it, the product is ready. So you can decorate T-shirts for children, make panels for interior decoration. Do not deny yourself the pleasure, invite!
