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From the author: There are random meetings, short dialogues, unexpected phrases that bring transformation to life. I call them “Coaching on the Run” #CoachingOn the Run - What is pride? - the foreman of the management company asked me today. - What aspect of pride interests you? – I clarified. “In religion, for example, pride is considered the most terrible sin.” Or, for example, any business is built out of pride... - he answered. - This is not a fact at all. Now, if a person has a talent for writing poetry or paintings, and he realizes it, is this pride? - I asked. “No, it’s God’s gift.” – he answered. “And if a person has the gift of writing poetry, but he doesn’t write them, doesn’t realize his God’s gift, what is it called?” - I clarify with him. - But this, perhaps, is pride. – he answers thoughtfully. - After all, when a person does not realize his talent, believing that he is not talented enough, he elevates himself above God, who gave him this talent. - What if a person has another talent? He can create not paintings or poems, but something else that makes a person’s life easier. Or he has a talent for organizing production. And he organizes production, creating a product that is useful to people, creating jobs and providing income opportunities for many people. And he realizes his talent. What is this pride? - I’m interested. - It turns out that no. - he states and adds: - But a person has certain ambitions and, by realizing them, he rises above others? - Yes, ambition helps him realize his talent. But ambition, the scale of actions and thoughts, occupying a higher official position and social status, and the arrogant elevation of oneself over others, or rather the humiliation of others, are completely different things. And they may be absolutely unrelated. To rise above a person, to humiliate him, you can even use pity. - Do you want to say that pity is also a manifestation of pride? – he was surprised. I never thought about this! And then he continued: But it’s true that when we feel sorry for another, we evaluate him and consider him a little lower than ourselves. In general, there is something to think about! Thank you! - For the benefit of! #coaching #pride #pity #business #ambition #joy of life #joy of creativity #talent #Galina_Suslina
