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From the author: 7 anti-glamorous tips for those who are in crisis I came across 25 things on Facebook that you need to remember when you feel bad or something called that. I think it was mostly about the crisis. I read it and didn't like it. I had to write my own list. Lists are fashionable now, as one of my friends noted - it's fast food wisdom. So, I bring to your attention my psychological fast food.ps Yes, yes, of course, this is a banter text and written in a provocative manner. Everything I love) 1. Don’t think that this will end. Look around and try to find a comfortable bench in this hell. Consoling yourself in the evening with hopes that everything will be fine tomorrow, you prepare yourself a bummer for the morning instead of scrambled eggs.2. Save on decisions Your decisions mean nothing and cost nothing. Everything happens on its own, and you just stand in line for good form. It depends only on you how long you can stand here and what you are willing to agree to. Look, they threw out some inexpensive crap and you can grab it and get out of here. Or you can still wait, maybe they will bring something good... 3. There is no logic in this. The idea that this is a stage, a step, a punishment, a test, a gift of fate, etc. - very seductive. They give meaning to everything and can even give you a “narcissistic high.” Like, “I’m so cool, I’m going through this...” These ideas can be supportive, but like any idea they are fragile, short-lived and controversial for you if you have a bad habit of thinking. 4. Do with your body the same thing that happens with your psyche. I don’t understand exactly why, but I noticed from experience (personal and at work) that the synchronicity of the state of the psyche and body is very important. I'll explain now. If you are tense and in pain, you are unlikely to feel better if you try to lie down comfortably and relax. At least it won’t be possible to do it right away. But if you give yourself a good (but reasonable and correct) physical. load in which you feel sufficient tension and moderate “good” physical pain, then at that moment the state of your psyche and body will become the same. Further, the body itself will begin to relax after the load and you will feel how your psyche “relaxes” synchronously with it. 5. Leave yourself alone Don't think that you are good. This will make you soon think that you are bad. Try to communicate with yourself through your body, and not through your thoughts - feed yourself, sleep yourself, exercise, but if possible, do not think about yourself. It takes a lot of effort.6. Refuse Help There are two types of outside help you can get. The first one discharges you, it seems to you that all the problems have disappeared, it’s as if you are plunging into a wonderful dream in which everything is fine. The second option is help that does not allow you to forget for a second how things are, but you gain a little strength or confidence.7. This is not a mistake. If you feel bad, this is not an annoying bug in the program of your life. This is the normal part of it. If you decide to treat crises as mistakes and misunderstandings, you cannot avoid shame and self-flagellation. What I mean is that if now you manage to quickly set everything up, then remember, you just brought the next “trash” closer».
