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“The heart of anger is resentment, the heart of resentment is love”... EMOTIONAL-SENSUAL EVOLUTION The evolution of modern man is based on three pillars: emotions, thoughts and feelings. For the most part, humanity is moving from emotional polarization to universal sense-knowledge. However, this process in time intervals is very long and is not completely defined, due to the differences of individuals and their previous earthly experiences. But, in any case, the soul, as always, plays a key role in this evolution, cementing the mind and feelings in accordance with its own plan for a specific life cycle. And what about emotions? What is their role in this spiritual maturation of humanity? They also undergo transformations, which primarily divide them into two opposite extremes. Negative root emotions of fear, resentment, shame, anger, hatred must inevitably fall into oblivion, together with the egregors that exude them, for earthly the cortex is already getting rid of their harmful influence. It’s just a matter of small things, as they say, to cleanse your own energy bodies, including the densest physical, from negative traces of the past. And you need to start with a careful inspection of our astral-emotional contents. Here an adequate and effective assistant will be a directed mind that encourages us to think about the true nature of the emotions and feelings that overwhelm us, as well as about the origins of their occurrence, prerequisites for development, places of dislocation, as well as their ability to control our bodily and mental functions and reactions. THE ESSENCE AND ORIGINS OF RESULTS AND RESPONSIBILITYOne of the most oppressive and useless states of a person is resentment. When considering resentment, we encounter a feeling and emotional reaction, attitude and event, or a personality trait and character trait in the case of touchiness. Resentment is a personality trait and character trait that uses such an emotional reaction to an undesirable event or attitude. Resentment contains a huge layer of information that hides a demonstrative reaction, aggression, conflict of expectations and reality. Resentment is most often an emotion rooted in childhood and indicating a lack of attention, care and guardianship, the need for self-expression and approval, and manifests itself as a reaction of disapproval of a person’s behavior towards you. By chance, I let resentment into my heart And my soul is so painful, sad, Despite the fact that I have already forgiven the One who acted ugly to me... Resentment is an emotional reaction, aimed primarily at loved ones : parents, partners, children or those who are dear and valuable to us. When a person feels resentment towards the whole world, then anger, rage, dissatisfaction and aggression are hidden in him in various proportions and variations. Resentment is a classic way of manipulating feelings and behavior people close to us in order to achieve the desired result. And if in childhood this is somewhat justified, then in adulthood it is a significant obstacle, inhibiting not only your spiritual and personal development, but also seriously complicating your relationship with yourself and the world. Childhood grievances often play a spiritually educational role, involving the maturation of parents, and the formation of responsible and caring relationships between adults and their children. They can also serve as a kind of corrector when excessive care or dominance is too tiring and burdens the child. With aggressive behavior of parents, resentment develops into fear, and subsequently into hidden hatred and anger. It is a completely different matter when resentment becomes a favorite and habitual way of communicating with loved ones in adulthood. The motives and prerequisites here are different, but the mechanisms clearly learned in childhood remain the same. Almost always, resentment masks the self-centered personality of childhood, which has never outgrown or transformed into one that accepts and understands the other person, his views, perceptions and worldview. The more resentment grows into core of the personality, the deeper the person, like a hamster, burrows into the ground, while complaining about the lack of sunlight in the form of directed towardshim rays of attention and participation from people who love him. When resentment lies dormant in the depths of the subconscious, untouched by the awareness of the reasons for its occurrence, it preserves and paralyzes a person’s will. And not expressed and not splashed out, it hides in the folds of the personality and stirs up the soul, later transforming into an undermining anger and mental aggressiveness, rapidly destroying the immune, nervous and digestive systems and psychologically disintegrating a person. CAUSES OF RESULTS Among the numerous internal and hidden causes of resentment, the following can be identified: failure to meet expectations, inadequate assessment, lack of attention, recognition and love, unjustified hopes, dependence and attachment, sense of injustice, distorted perception, excessive pretentiousness, low self-esteem, excessive egocentrism, lack of self controlThis is not exhaustive a list of possible reasons leading to resentment or, conversely, the source of which is resentment, but it is also voluminous enough to realize all its depth and the “seriousness” of its “intentions” towards us. BEHAVIORAL MODELS LEADING TO RESULTS We are all artists our own canvas of life and create images of our destiny according to our desire and aspiration. But sometimes we get so carried away that we go beyond the permissible boundaries of personal space and our canvas of creation, “seizing” someone else’s territory, using the rationale that this is being done for the benefit of our neighbor and for his benefit. Deluded in the fact that we know better what kind of canvas should be created for our child, brother or sister, loved one, we confidently move the brush over someone else’s fate. Over time, we accept someone else’s canvas as our own and, taking upon ourselves “ responsible mission" we try to change the "obvious imperfections" of another person with firm knowledge of the best scenario for his life. A well-known saying says: "the road to hell is paved with good intentions..." IMPORTANT RULES TO PREVENT OFFENSE AND OTHER NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCESIf you do not want your life to turn into a similar nightmare, then follow a number of simple, but quite reasonable and effective rules that I recommend for building healthy relationships: do not violate the boundaries of the personal space of another person, do not try to create on your partner’s canvas as if it were your own, respecting his freedom and right to live at his own discretion, create and model a common canvas of life, weighing the possibilities and desires, preferences and inclinations with love and understanding, clearly separate your own boundaries from the common ones, creating only on the common canvas of interaction in a coordinated and courteous manner, realize that resentment is a soap bubble of the past, bursting and corroding the eyes when they are filled with pretentiousness and with pride, if something in your partner’s actions does not align with your vision and expectations - voice it without reproaches and accusations, and then many ambiguities and “absurdities” will disappear, and you will enter a new round of relationships, more sincere and transparent. RESULT IN RELATIONSHIPS Parents and children of parents and children are no less simple, because the interaction here is usually not equal, but has the following orientation: an authoritarian -proper -recipient -proper -proper -proper -proper -proper -sustaining -sagging -dimensional -dimensional confrontation confrontation perceptive conflicting reactive reactiveness of the response of these methods of reaction does not completely deny the presence of billy love of love , but it can hardly be considered mutual, for the criteria This feeling is also different for everyone. Unfortunately, very rarely the interaction between parents and children is mutually understanding, and, most importantly, accepting due to age, cultural, spiritual and other differences. When the offense is directed at your parents or, conversely, at your children, then it slows down the implementation of your life lessons. In the case of parents, it shows your intolerance, and non-acceptance of them as they are, with their views and misconceptions, authoritarianism and manipulation. We are not judges of our parents and certainly not entitled to blame them
