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Although, no. Even with the smallest salary you can save a lot of money. To do this, just look carefully at where the money you earn “goes.” For example: If you have a lot of loans (for which you pay large amounts), then this is a clear sign that you are not living “within your means.” This is why you chronically lack money. And the size of the salary has nothing to do with it. Each of us is able to quickly increase the size of our income. Alternatively: (1) If your work involves the application of knowledge, then you should set aside time every day to acquire new knowledge and update old ones. (2) If your job is skill-based, then you should sharpen your skills every day. skills. Otherwise, your income will decrease rather than increase. Make it a rule to “spend less than you earn.” This is the first and most important step to get rid of your ever-empty wallet. 1) Rising prices are the main reason for the decline in the quality of life of many people. This is the first reason that comes to mind for most of us. However, in reality, everything is not so simple and obvious . The quality of our life is determined by many factors. Rising prices are far from the most critical of them. The most fatal reason is our own laziness. (1) We are too lazy to look for additional income. (2) We are lazy to improve our qualifications, undergo training, read specialized literature, etc. (3) We have no time to grow up the career ladder. At the same time, there is time to “tell stories” in the smoking room, endlessly “chase tea”, gossip about your boss, etc. enjoyable but not money-making activities. (4) We just can’t find the time to understand the topic of increasing money. And, at least, accumulate a “stash.” Start buying currency. Etc.* We are too lazy to admit that we are too lazy to do all this. Right? 2) Never say that you “live badly” We love to complain. It’s something like a national “sport.” We complain about bad weather, about the boss, about the spouse and children, about holes in the asphalt, about high prices and low wages. We love to complain - but by doing so we anger the one “who lives on the clouds.” There is a good parable about this: “Never say that you “live badly.” Because the one “who lives in Heaven” will tell you: “You just don’t know what it means to live badly.” And he will turn the switch, increasing the number of problems in your life by 10 times. Therefore, always - no matter what happens to you - say: “Everything is fine in my life. Every day – always and in everything – my business is getting better and better.” And then He will say, “You just don’t know what it means to live well.” And will increase by 1000 times the amount of good things in your life.” 3) “You relax, the money works” When I ask readers, “What does a perfect day in their life look like?” - then they usually answer something like this: “I want to do what I want. And when I want.” They don’t talk about big money or a high position. They dream of spending time the way they want. Without having to run to work every morning, half asleep. And at work, I look forward to the evening so I can get home quickly. (1) Investments + (2) Several sources of income will help us realize what we want and have a flexible work schedule. What will give us the financial opportunity to live where the sun always shines (= where we want). The only thing left to do is take the first step - start saving a certain amount every month. Which will become the basis of the “financial cushion”. And which will allow you to regularly acquire “income assets” - capable of working without our direct participation. Even when we relax, sleep or play with our children/grandchildren.Additionally: Read my other article “Where should NOT invest money? TOP 3 most dangerous places for your money.” I will be grateful for your likes and reposts of this article. Author of the article: Alexander Evstegneev, personal finance expert, author of 20 books on financial literacy, investor
