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“We reach into the past, to our parents, and forward, to our children, into a future that we will never see, but which we want to take care of.” — K.G. Jung is a magical tool, after all, psychological transformational games, and Family Scenarios are generally SOMETHING! Each move is an event from life, the energy of love or the energy of luck, and these are also resources. Everything from life, ours, human. If the move is an event in life, then the game shows HOW this event affected the client’s life, HOW it filled the family with energy, or maybe vice versa - the event turned out to “take away” energy from the family. It is precisely such turns in the game that force a person to look at life from different angles and look for new tricks. This is very valuable and useful, especially when you are looking for answers to your questions. If the move is resource-symbols, this is a gift from the Game, a gift from the Universe for the client and his entire family. After all, resource symbols are what we put into our family. Something new and valuable for everyone. And for the beautiful young woman there were seven such gifts! Magic number))) And in general, the whole game was a little magical))) She also transformed the request seven times)) A Client came to me with the question that she couldn’t be affectionate with her mother, show her tenderness. Not being able to hug her, kiss her, cuddle her. My husband - please, my little daughter - too, but my mother - NO! Mom, mommy, who gave the world, who didn’t get enough sleep at night, who put so much effort into her daughter, mom, who was always ready to help and even now, when her daughter grew up, got married, became a mother herself, it was her, the only one, who could not be hugged or there is no strength to kiss or cuddle, it is not in her power. Yes! It happens! Everything happens! And there is a reason for all this! And the Client saw her. I felt it. Lived. She had the courage and resource to go into trauma, go into pain, “open up the abscess” and cleanse herself. She allowed herself to find a reason, she ALLOWED herself! It is important! Just take it and allow yourself! There are different games, but these happen with brave, ready clients, those who ALLOW themselves to find! Whoever allows you to see something “bad” in yourself allows you to destroy the myth about yourself, about your “goodness.” As a result, this behavior of the Client is revenge. Agree, it’s difficult for a cheerful, good-natured person to see REVENGE in yourself! This requires oh, what courage and honesty! I admire it!!! The mother was cold with the little Client. They have experienced a lot of grief in their lives. The loss of her husband (the Client’s father when she was 4 years old), soon the loss of her mother, aunt and everything was on her shoulders. It is difficult to understand why a mother may not be affectionate, even cold, with her daughter. Maybe a defensive reaction, or maybe her own childhood influenced her. Or maybe there was so much pain in her that she was afraid to pass it on to her baby and stayed away. But these are all my fantasies. The truth is unknown to me. But that's not the point. The answer to the request was found quickly, we decided to play further, simply because the Client was delighted with the process and did not have time to enjoy it! Do you know what happened after this confession by the Client? — She pulls out a card with a resource symbol and selects the “ability of forgiveness” as a resource. And in general, every time after something difficult, intimate, anything that could bring tears, a card with resource symbols was pulled out! Just imagine!!! It seems to me that this means that the Client is very special in her kind, that the Universe loves her and is ready to give her resources, give her strength for transformation, for good changes, for happiness and love, for harmony! And she chooses “power” as another symbol. Do you know what kind of power this is? Attention... I will give it)) This is power over yourself! Now she is in control of any manifestation of tenderness and love for all family members, especially for her mother! The transformation has begun, is still in progress, and will be completed very soon. I am 100% convinced that you will succeed! Thank you for such a magical game! Every time I live my whole life with my clients, I learn lessons for myself. I'm learning with you! You are the one who makes me a specialist!
