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It often happens when discomfort arises inside, you feel something, but cannot understand what it is. Vague, vague sensations, either anxiety, or irritation, or maybe something else. These sensations, like a mysterious beast sitting under the bed, do not allow you to exist normally. So maybe it’s worth seeing this unknown monster in the light of the lamps and still give it a name? Even in ancient times, people worshiped natural phenomena: thunder, sun and rain. Strong animals, such as the bear, were also held in high esteem. This wild beast caused such righteous fear and horror among the ancient Slavs that they tried to call it allegorically, so as not to invite trouble. Perhaps it is precisely from these immemorial times that the “tradition” of keeping silent about what is so exciting has been going on. And in the modern world, it is difficult for us to express our feelings and states in words, to convey our experiences and to understand other people close to us. In psychology, there is a special term “alexithymia”, which refers to the inability to talk about one’s emotions. There are two types of this phenomenon that arise as a result of: 1) disturbances in brain structures, 2) constant stress, upheaval and peculiarities of upbringing in the family. We will not touch upon the first case, but the second is of greater interest, because The origins come from the family with all its foundations and traditions. Statistics are that about 25% of the world's population have signs of alexithymia. The child grows and, along with the knowledge of the objects of the surrounding world, learns the world of his own feelings and emotions. However, learning occurs only with the help of adults; in them, as in a mirror, the child sees himself and his conditions. When a child begins to cry, the first reaction of adults is to immediately stop the heart-rending screams. With grief, the reasons for crying are found (someone took a toy, a dog scared, or it’s impossible to assemble a pyramid), but they almost always forget about the most important thing - the child’s feelings. Perhaps he was scared, or felt pain, or maybe he was overcome by resentment. Silenced emotions, like a gas leak in a room, are invisible, but the consequences are sometimes dire and can lead to many diseases called psychosomatic. What to do? How to raise a healthy generation of children, emotionally mature, capable of compassion and understanding of their feelings? The answer is simple: talk to your child about feelings, about what is happening to him and how you yourself feel. This is very unusual for our mentality; we would rather remain silent, withdraw into ourselves, but not raise a topic that we ourselves sometimes do not understand, because no one taught us this. Sometimes it's like learning a new language, where you think long and hard about what to say and choose your words carefully. However, this is the right path leading to understanding other people and, first of all, yourself. A wise man once said, “Listen to your body when your mind can’t talk about your feelings.” Focus on your sensations, whether you feel warm or cold, where there is tingling or pain, pay attention to your breathing and what is happening in your stomach. Find the place on the body where discomfort is most concentrated and try to describe the internal feeling according to the criteria: hot or cold hard or soft heavy or light What does it feel like? What does it look like? How does it sound? What does it smell like? What is this feeling? This technique seems to tune the whole body to awareness of what is happening. We begin to listen to ourselves, notice the slightest changes, which means we establish contact with ourselves and our feelings. By understanding ourselves, we set a good example for our children and give them the opportunity to know the world in all its diversity of emotions and feelings..
