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Pregnancy loss, reproductive difficulties and health problems that a family may encounter sometimes lead to the fact that the couple’s previously conceived plans are not allowed to come true. Couples may want to think about alternative options for becoming parents. Advances in medicine in the field of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) can be a solution for families. It is important to discuss the features and difficulties, for example, of IVF procedures, with your doctor in order to have complete information (in particular, the procedure for obtaining a quota for completion if you plan to enter into the protocol as part of compulsory medical insurance) and to reduce anxiety that may be associated with numerous myths around this procedure. If one of the spouses or both have health conditions that do not allow getting pregnant precisely because of the quality of eggs or sperm, then one of the solutions may be to turn to donor programs. It is important here to discuss together all the fears and anxieties associated with the donation of genetic material. A perinatal psychologist can also be the person you can turn to for support if necessary. A couple may consider adopting a child. Today there are free schools for foster parents, in which any citizen can undergo training - there you will receive a lot of necessary and most importantly up-to-date information on the legal, medical and psychological aspects of this topic. In itself, passing the SPD does not oblige further adoption, and if a couple chooses this path of becoming parents, then passing the SPD is a mandatory step on this path. Giving up parenthood may be one of the options the family chooses. Each person has their own idea of ​​what alternative paths are acceptable on the path to parenthood. The decision not to try to get pregnant again can be made temporarily and later reviewed, or not. Here again, the main thing is for the spouses to be in contact with themselves and with each other, to be able to discuss the confusion and questions that arise, and if one in the couple has a desire to give up parenthood, and the other does not, then it is important that in such a significant issue there was no pressure on each other. In the topic of alternative ways to become parents, there are no universally correct answers for all people. The most valuable thing is to listen to yourself and to each other as a couple in order to understand which direction you and your family want to move. If you feel that the emotions and feelings arising in this topic are too strong, remember that you can always turn to a perinatal or family psychologist for professional help.
