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“Mom is the first word in every destiny...” Relationships with children. Children are the most beautiful thing in our lives. When our children are happy, then we, as mothers, are doubly happy. What does it mean to be a real mother? This means being ready, first of all, for the birth of a new person into the world, it means being conscious, understanding that this child is a person who will have his own life. You need to know that our task, as parents, is to guide in the right direction, to help reveal talents and potential. We, as wise teachers, mentors, parents love our children UNCONDITIONALLY! We don’t demand anything in return! A real mother is the woman who fills her child with love, but her husband, the child’s father, always comes first. That is, a harmonious family, when everyone is in his place. But there is often a skew: a woman is too fixated on children. She lives the life of a son or daughter, thus drawing energy potential from her children. A man is relegated to the background, and becomes for a woman like a red rag for a bull - an irritant, not a friend, a partner in raising children. Then the man either disappears from the Woman’s life or poisons her life (i.e. teaches her). We must firmly remember that children are already individuals, respect them at any age. Communicate openly, tell the truth, think only well of them, explain and answer all questions. Important! Always give the right to choose! Children are sensitive and will respect and listen when they see a worthy example. A mother is a support, a foundation that respects herself, accepts and values ​​herself, as well as others. If a woman, a mother, does not develop, does not improve herself, then the child begins to educate her (deviant behavior, health problems, etc.). What do you mean it doesn't develop? This means that the Woman is in negativity, in complaints about herself, about the world, about her man. She can't control herself. And children reflect, like a mirror, the inner and outer parts of their mother. And, often, it is parents who set an example for children. Also, according to this scenario, children will build their adult lives. Our children are our allies in development, followers of the good and creative. It depends on us what kind of seed we plant, put into our soul, and that will grow. "Mother! I love you! Thank you for teaching me how to live in peace! I am truly a happy child!” May God grant every mother to hear such words from her children! Communicate, play with your child. Learn from him the joy of life, self-acceptance. Tell your children that you love them, that you are happy that they exist. Be open!
