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!!HIGHER WOMEN'S COURSES, or Women start and win!! report from the place where cute girls turned into... bitches? In mid-November, an unusual training with an intriguing name took place in our city Bitchology." An alarmingly alluring, attractively repulsive word. For some it causes a dissatisfied grimace, for others it causes a twinkle in the eyes. Moreover, the former are mostly men, the latter are women. But both are equally interested in “what is hidden inside.” I decided to find the answer to this question myself, empirically - in other words, I went to training. So I started learning to be a bitch. And then things started to happen! But - first things first. When writing this article in English I was faced with an extremely difficult task -kind of "Lost in Translation." The question was, "How shall I translate the word "bitch" into English?" Dictionaries were of no use. All I could get from the thick volumes and all imaginable computer-based recourses, were "damned wretch," "stinker," or "shit," which really "stink" and don't suit. Giving up the attempts to discover the equivalent myself, I asked my native speaker colleagues, teachers at International House Dnipropetrovsk, for help. Still we were not able to find a word in English that would convey the Russian language meaning.So let's agree on the term "real women." That's it! Why "real women"? Was Irina Allegrova right with her frank confession on behalf of all women? Remember, she has a song like this: “We all…” Who is a bitch in the context of “bitchology”? These questions are best answered by the creator of the program himself, a famous trainer and psychologist, business consultant and, moreover, a professional rescuer who “hurries to the rescue” in the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, a charismatic leader and just a real man - Vladimir Rakovsky. Vladimir lives and works in Moscow, where he has earned wide fame thanks to his direct work in the training center and emergency rescue service, as well as as a leading psychologist and consultant for a number of television projects and a participant in the programs “The Domino Principle”, “I Myself”, “Private Life” , “Mirror of Life” and a number of other programs. A word from the expert. “Truly smart women pretend to be fools” Vladimir Rakovsky “A bitch is, first of all, an actress who plays very different roles in life - from a dictator to an inch, from a hypersexual woman - vamp to a cold careerist making her way to the top. The main thing is that it's one and the same woman, playing different parts in different situations - a businesswoman at work, a loving wife and mother at home, a sexy kitten with her lover. So called "stervology", meaning the art of being a real woman, teachers women how to be the neck which turns the head of the family in the right direction, making him -and herself! - happy. Is it manipulation? Yes, but why not? We knew how to do it when we were little children. We just forgot. Look at the three-year-old girls -they are born "real women"! There's still a little girl living in each of us women. It's time she wakes up.The most curious thing about the training was that it was a man who was the trainer, teaching women how to be women. The trainees were all female as the course is only for women (there's a separate course for men as well). Vladimir, the trainer, was the only man present and he played different roles with each trainee. The many-faced man helped the young women understand themselves and realize what they want from men. He provided the conditions where each woman was able to make a portrait of her Mr. Right and assisted in creating the image that would attract him. And it’s even better to have all the images in your arsenal and be different all the time: now a “gentle and amazing” baby with innocent eyes, now a cool party girl, now a fatal temptress, now a caring mommy (when you are different, all men are potentially and practically your admirers!) “Works here“compensatory mechanism,” says Vladimir Rakovsky, “weak men are drawn to strong iron ladies, who in the end “marry women.” Eternal children and boys are drawn to “mothers.” And a weak, helpless baby so badly wants to be hugged and protected by a strong man. There are exceptions, when two strong people begin to compete and fight for leadership.” Unfortunately, only in rare cases does it ever end, especially rarely in peace. Watching the process of turning cute, sweet girls into “bitches” (read “real women”) was incredibly interesting. Moreover, I myself was inside the process and also changed - before my own eyes! Changing, abandoning a “comfortable” image and habitual behavioral patterns is not an easy task. As often happens in life: you, the frog princess, don’t really like the swamp in which you are sitting, an arrow hits you and the prince takes you to his palace, so that at night you can weave a silk carpet and prepare a feast for the whole world. An enviable share, to say the least! You remember your native swamp with nostalgia. But you don’t have enough strength and determination to change anything. This is what they came for. But in order to change your life, you must first change yourself. In “bitchology,” we - almost like Chekhov - learned to “squeeze out slaves drop by drop” of our own image, “Well, another style won’t suit me!” - a girl in jeans and a sports sweater shouted in a sharp voice with boyish notes. “Come here,” the Master ordered. He made two ponytails out of his bright red hair, made him laugh, softened him so much that his blue eyes shone like stars - and now we have before us a lovely baby, a sweet, playful kitten. “Do you like to be like this?” - “Super!” The training lasted for only two days, but it changed us dramatically. By the evening of the first day we were already not the same. Suddenly the door opened and a new woman came in. She was busy at work and couldn't come earlier. She was as different from the rest of the group as a bee from a flock of butterflies. Vladimir invited the young woman to face the group."Tell us what you want from the training," was the order."I want men to see a woman in me, not just a person," was the answer."Okey, but do you know WHAT exactly they see? State your own value. How much do you cost?""I'm invaluable.""Everything costs - more or less. Do you cost as much as Mercedes?""I'm not a Mercedes! Okey, let it be more. I don't want to sell myself too cheap.""You see, a Mercedes costs about $100,000. Can you tell why it's so much? professional?""$300 per month.""Imagine that you come to an employer and say, "I want $100,000 for my work. What would he say?"She grinned. Vladimir Rakovsky invited two other trainees to come to the center of the room. “Look to the left,” the trainer told the new-comer. “Describe this woman with only one adjective.”" Relaxed.""And now one adjective about yourself.""Restrained.""What about the woman to the right?""Attractive.""And you?""Not attractive? Yes, unattractive.""The woman to the left again...""Bright.""And you?""Faded.""Do you want men to notice you? Do you want to be loved? Can you imagine it now?"Yes, Vladimir was this hard on the trainees. The young woman seemed really hurt but strong and ready to accept the challenge."One more adjective to the left.""Smiling."A pause. Vladimir looked at her for seconds on end until she smiled."And you?""Smiling too," she said, smiling a smile of relief. It was a miracle. Her face was shining An intangible change happened to her eyes, lips, and cheeks. Suddenly she was so feminine, so charming, and really seductive. Then we danced and she was the star. In general, the musical hits of “stervology” were two songs: “Girls like stars” and “Clap your eyelashes and take off” - mood songs. . Songs-attitudes. “I am the most charming and attractive...” “The hen does not run after the rooster” Vladimir Rakovsky “Bervology” helped to understand that it is never too late.
