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From the author: A little about how to support the body’s resources. Each of us is familiar with the feeling when we really want to cheer up. During a session, or when stuck at work, or after a desperate party. On the eve of an important meeting or exam When driving, this desire becomes simply unbearable. But how to satisfy it without harm to the body? Personally, I am very suspicious of any type of energy drinks - store-bought ones seem too chemical to me, and natural ones seem ineffective. But the spirit of experimentation (and the need for vigor and freshness) haunts me. I decided to test out some of the "brain stimulants". On myself and volunteers. By the way, registration for the volunteer corps is open. First, you need to make a list of substances that can be used. Intravenous caffeine disappears immediately. The first part of the experiment will involve only natural and publicly available products. So, what do researchers think can cause a positive effect in the brain? Dioscritus and Hippocrates recommended using onions to increase courage and energy. In modern conditions, this is clearly difficult - it is not customary to smell like onions at a meeting. In principle, you can experiment at home - but for now, onions are eliminated from the qualifying round. Traditionally, the list of natural energy drinks includes: lemongrass, ginseng, golden root (I tried it in Altai straight from the “garden”, more precisely from the mountain), aloe (my grandmother fed and watered me with this), eleutherococcus. Most of them are available in pharmacies in the form tinctures or even tablets. It’s definitely worth holding a separate championship among them. So call it: “Championship of pharmaceutical tinctures to stimulate intellectual activity.” But first, I want to concentrate on the most accessible substances that many use every day. So to speak, a light version of energy drinks. L. Ekonomov in the book “The World of Our Senses” highlights tea, coffee and cocoa and soda - the most common drinks for increasing the tone of the body. Soda is eliminated from the competition due to its artificial origin - however, it is worth considering mineral water. Why these drinks have an invigorating effect (and whether they have one at all) - I’ll look at it in the next article. And I won’t just look at it - I plan to experimentally study how different types of tea, coffee and other goodies affect intellectual abilities.
