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Question: Ivan, what organizations are involved in the treatment of alcoholism? Answer: one of my friends has a favorite expression: “in our country, only the lazy do not try to treat alcoholics.” And in fact, in some ways He's right. Today, more and more specialists and professionals are appearing in the field of alcohol addiction treatment, who very often lack the competence to deal with a comprehensive solution to such a complex issue. So who actually treats alcoholism? Well, for example, religious communities and organizations. Yes, it’s hard to believe, but it’s true that people who have chosen the path of religion for themselves, for some reason, undertake the treatment of complex behavioral disorders. Private psychologists also treat alcoholics. And there is nothing wrong with this if the addict has been in remission for one year or more. If you take an alcoholic who currently continues to use for an appointment, then going to a psychologist can become an illusion for him that he is recovering and nothing bad is happening. Therefore, you need to be careful with the help of psychologists, since in some cases this can only worsen the situation. But psychological support can be provided not only at a personal appointment, but also in anonymous groups for people with addiction. In such communities there are certain rules: you can talk about your problem today only if today you have not relapsed and have not used. What is important to understand about religious communities and anonymous help groups is that they are not a treatment for alcoholism! This is support in a difficult life situation, but in no way professional help. But if such places at least do not harm a person, then there are institutions whose work is completely contrary to the criminal code. Now I'm talking about places called motivation centers. Their main features are: forcible detention against a person’s will; psychological and physical violence, which is passed off as so-called training; false information about the patient’s rapid recovery, which is regularly passed on to relatives; under the auspices of developing self-discipline, punishment is allowed for any deviation from the rules. Another important area In the “treatment” of alcoholism, various kinds of healers, fortune tellers, shamans and other representatives of traditional medicine and fairy tales are involved. I don’t think it’s worth explaining that their main goal is money, and not the recovery of an addicted person. In this answer, I don’t want to offend or offend anyone, but I really think that every person should mind their own business, and treatment for alcoholism is worth leave it to qualified specialists in this field who cannot harm the addict with their actions. Due to the fact that alcohol is firmly established in the lives of many people as a habitual component, many simply do not associate alcoholism with a serious behavioral disorder that takes lives. That is why neither a priest nor a fortune teller can replace a medical worker in this area. Think about it, in 2020 more than 50 thousand people died in Russia due to reasons that were in one way or another related to drinking alcohol. Therefore, I want to appeal to those who are now looking for help in solving such a complex problem. I kindly ask you to contact only qualified specialists in the field of psychology and narcology! Now let's get back to the question itself, which is based on the most important thing - the treatment of alcoholics. What is real treatment? First of all, treatment for alcoholism is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease. To do this, specialists remove toxins from the body, normalize the general state of health and maintain balance in all the functions and functioning of internal organs. And according to the laws of the Russian Federation, only specialized medical institutions can carry out such activities, that is, treat alcoholics. To do this, they must obtain the appropriate license to operate in this area and hire a staff of qualified specialists. Ask the question “where are alcoholics treated?”
