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Some people's dreams constantly come true... well, just one after another... even the most unrealistic ones, one came true, and then a new one appeared, a real conveyor belt. But for others, for some reason, they don’t, they don’t come true, but because they want it, they really want it, well, honestly they want it! In truth, dreams rarely come true and not for everyone. How many of us girls have become ballerinas, and how many boys have become astronauts, as they dreamed of as children? The mystery of a dream lies in the fact that She exists, but how, when and by whom it will come true is not clear, because it is a dream... it is something so desired and distant at the same time. In the Book of Words we can find the following definition: a dream is a cherished desire; desire is an average degree of will, between simple organic desire, on the one hand, and a deliberate decision or choice, on the other. Those. this is something that would be very desirable, but somehow vague and unlikely; something dear to us, with an uncertain, transitional status from an “idea” to a really planned plan of action. And indeed, when we talk about dreams, the mood is melancholic and romantic. This is where the expressions come from: a childhood dream, a cherished dream, an impossible dream... And when about a real achievement, success - that the goal has been achieved, and this is a completely different term and concept. It turns out that a dream is not a goal, but success and real achievements are associated with a goal, then why such an animal called “dream”? Let's figure it out together! The dream helps us build and live! A dream is good. A dream is something from childhood. Each of us had a dream as a child. With a dream it’s more joyful, without a dream everything is prosaic and gray. Dreaming is good and here's why: - People who have a dream are more optimistic, joyful and positive. And, conversely, giving up fantasies makes life boring. From those who are skeptical about the dream, there is a certain dryness and cynicism. Our childhood and youth dreams perform an important function - they give an idea of ​​​​the “vector” of how and where to move, what profession to choose, what to strive for. Having a dream inspires us, gives us energy and inspiration to translate fantasies into specific goals, develop an action plan and achieve, achieve, achieve... - Very often it is the beautiful image of the “ideal self” that we dreamed of in childhood that helps us achieve success in life. As we grow up and develop as a person, dreams transform and change, but we can and must use the energy to achieve it for our own good. “So, Lyudochka, did you change your dream? - “No, I just changed my dream!” Anyone who dreamed of becoming an astronaut as a child can become a first-class pilot, and the dream of an acting career can be translated into equally public journalistic activity, etc. - When a person is interested in a lot of things, dreams about a lot, plans more, “puts into action” and is being implemented. People who want little get little! Dreaming is harmless, but not dreaming is harmful! Another great scientist, physiologist, psychologist I.P. Pavlov said that already existing images appear in our imagination simply in combinations that are new to us, i.e. There is nothing in dreams that could not happen in reality. This means that, in principle, for every dream the “green light” can come on and the “red carpet” can be laid out for its implementation. I remember the words of Cinderella “how harmful it is not to get what you really want, especially when you deserve it.” Unfulfilled dreams are truly harmful and dangerous; they often carry pain, frustration and a feeling of inadequacy throughout life. What prevents the realization of a dream? But nothing...absolutely nothing. Even laziness, as the most common “disease” and obstacle, is not an obstacle at all if you approach the dreaming process itself correctly. Visualization and positive thinking are very good and useful, but for implementation, for the fairy tale to come true, it is objectively not enough. Let us highlight, in our opinion, three main components of the successful realization of the Dream.1. Energy (strength and quality of wanting).2. The skill (habit) of translating dreams into goals.3. Conceptual!
