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Mindfulness has acquired the taste of avocado and an aversion to conflict. Mindfulness is unemotional and tactful to the point of sterility. This is a new social corset in a person’s wardrobe, tightening to the point that it is difficult to breathe. Mindfulness is the new white coat trend. Instead of “I can and want to protect myself and my boundaries, and I will protect them” - “I am above this, I am too conscious to participate in toxic conversations and let anger into my life.” Say it directly: “I am artificial.” “I have chosen patterns of behavior “as it should”, and I am trying to break and adjust my personality to them, because I am deeply convinced that by becoming correct, good, I will get everything I want. Admit that after reading “Awareness is getting rid of the need to label and use value judgments,” you adopted the “Do not judge others” attitude and simply stopped doing it out loud, and if such thoughts appear, you drive them away from yourself, scold them for them. I will assume that because of this, aggression accumulates in you, and you become increasingly irritated, and scold yourself more and more for being wrong. Awareness, having passed the filter of society, has lost its definition. First, realize that you consider yourself wrong and feel an urgent need to “fix and improve” in order to fit in. Suitable for something ephemeral. To society. To her. To him. Realize that the way you are, it seems to you that you will not receive love and recognition. Realize that you are not in conflict to be comfortable or to elevate yourself at the expense of “unreasonable others,” because without elevating yourself at the expense of others, you do not feel good. You will realize this someday anyway, and it will most likely be very painful. Realize that it is you. With your shortcomings, that makes you a living person. What do you want next, the same or different? What I really wanted to answer in that correspondence was: “Fuck you,” and not: “I don’t want to participate in this, because you’re angry from resentment, and I’m not going to get angry, I’m above this.” Realize that you are different, quiet, loud, active, calm, alive. And live.
