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It hurt, ached, there was a trend all around. I went to a psychologist and told him everything, but nothing changed! Usually the first meeting with a psychologist is about getting to know each other, relieving internal tension by talking through situations, getting to know the specialist, his methods of work, finding out information about your situation, building contact and dialogue, understanding of ways for further interaction. Often clients expect that after the first meeting everything will change. I was such a client myself. But often one meeting may not be enough, since the client himself does not fully understand what is most important to him now and what he wants. What he wants can be imposed, does not correspond to his values. Literally everything hurts, no matter where you look, and you want to become a different person and like everything. When is one session enough? When there is a clear, specific request and the client understands what result he wants. He only needs help to get from point A to point B, he needs tools to achieve the goal. For example, when you need to create this or that state for a task, for example, using coaching. For example, to charge yourself with a state of confidence for an event, create it and consolidate it. But you need to remember that this is an artificially created state and it does not last. What is long-lasting is what has already been formed and repeatedly consolidated in experience. Is therapy possible in one session? Possible, but again there are more chances to help a person if he understands what he wants. But it often happens that the therapy process is multi-layered and closing one moment something else appears. In general, there is an expansion from personal experience to social one, thanks to which a person becomes more stable, the idea of ​​oneself and the world changes. I have a separate category of clients who come to me for body-oriented therapy from time to time in order to make qualitative progress in their issue . To pass through a plug where it is impossible to pass through reasoning and multiple awareness. You can realize it at least a million times, but if this experience is not in the body, then everything is in vain. This will remain an annoying thought that interferes with life. Awareness and reflection are needed, but when they go around in circles and do not lead to a solution, this is a reason to think about what may be hidden behind all this and seek help. In therapy, when a person acquires different experiences of interacting with oneself (attitude towards oneself), relationships with others, tools for responding to emotions. This usually takes a long time, but it remains in the experience forever; there are methods in which it is a little faster and more effective. In my opinion, it is much more effective to work with the causes of the problem, and just not deal with the consequences repeatedly. I invite you to group and individual therapy, as well as short-term consultations on your questions. 89995475949 viber, whatapp, telegram
