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From the author: There are already few who doubt the existence of a connection between psychological conflicts and somatic ill health. However, it is not always possible to quickly detect these connections. How the body signals and about what, a case from practice. Psychosomatics is gaining momentum, and doctors often send the patient to see a psychologist when, despite the pharmacotherapy being carried out, the human body seems to freeze in a state between health and illness, and panic attacks the body with all the attendant VSD, IBS, etc. It happens, that the client does not immediately find a specialist with whom he gets to the root of the problem, and then the imagination begins to draw even more gloomy pictures of the near future, and the person becomes stronger in his fear of losing his health. Despite the need for long-term psychotherapy for psychosomatic disorders, it is often possible to discover the root of the problem quite quickly, you just have to read the “body SMS” more carefully. I will describe a small piece of what I was able to read from the body’s messages during one session, leaving behind the scenes other nuances of the work done .A young client with complaints of frequent panic attacks and irritable bowel syndrome is completely at a loss, since the doctors just shrug their shoulders, noting that there is no organ pathology and there is no reason for concern. A brief acquaintance with the history of her childhood did not reveal any special traumatic moments of childhood experience - a prosperous family with plausible relationships. However, gently overcoming the resistance, I found out that the same situation was repeated for a long time: the mother, returning home from work, began to “drain” a large amount of irritation on her daughter, which, in fact, was latently addressed to her husband. The main complaints literally from the threshold were: “Again I didn’t wash the dishes!”, “Again I’m working here, and you’re not doing anything!” etc. It seemed that the mother was not interested in her daughter’s life: what’s new at school, how her relationships with peers are developing, what she reads, etc. As if all she cared about was making her daughter feel guilty for “doing nothing.” Perhaps someone One may object that the injury is minor, but it can be worse. However, in each individual experience, any factor that causes long-term emotional discomfort is important. So, let’s see how the old experience is refracted in a new, seemingly unrelated situation. Anxiety, “somehow uncomfortable.” In essence, this is a stage of waiting, which is accompanied by growing fear and anxiety: “Now mom will come and scold! It doesn’t matter that the client already lives a separate life with her loved one: childhood experiences, as we know, are imperceptibly actualized when they are not expected at all. on the couch, resting, she suddenly begins to experience discomfort. Physiologically: the heartbeat increases, which often accompanies a feeling of fear. Then a thought comes (it is clear that now it is just an unconscious fear and a feeling of discomfort of an incomprehensible nature, but the thought came in childhood: “We must fuss!” ) Physiologically: her hands begin to shake, as if she began to fussily do something quickly with her hands, and even fussily... her heart is beating. Next is the next stage: today there is fear for her health (her hands are shaking so much and her heart is beating...) , and then, in childhood, the mother ceased to be formidable, when her daughter was sick, she became “lenient” and began to take care of her. In fact, an ambulance arrives, and the doctor makes his verdict: “Do nothing, lie down and rest until the morning!” Super! The girl finally received permission to rest, to “do nothing,” and now she can legally afford to lie on the couch for a couple of days, reading or watching movies. Stage of “legal doing nothing” In such a complex way, bypassing consciousness, the conflict with the mother continues to play out on the internal plane, where there is a place for fear, resistance, and manipulation, and only the body desperately sends SMS. Angelika Strazhkova was with you. The article was first published on b17.ru Sign up for a consultation in Moscow and Yaroslavl
