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From the author: A fairy tale about how to direct the energy of love to creation, creation, and not to the destruction of yourself and others. Once upon a time there lived a good fellow, let's call him Ivan, as in Russian fairy tales. Ivan was skilled and sympathetic. Local residents respected Vanya for his skill. Once Ivan met a princess, but their relationship did not last long. Vanya quickly realized that the princess was not real, and that he did not need one for a serious and long-term relationship. Ivan grieved and grieved for a while and coped with the breakup. So to speak, I gained experience from this relationship, I realized what kind of princess he now needed to choose. And lo and behold, he soon met just such a one! And it all started with a simple business relationship. The communication was productive and pleasant. There was a lot in common: attitude to life, music, books and more. The more Ivan communicated and got to know the princess, the more his interest in her grew. Ivan felt warm and happy next to her. She radiated sunny, positive energy that filled Ivan’s heart, awakening a feeling of happiness. It seemed as if she was enveloped in a golden haze, spreading grace around her. And Ivan felt the heat in his chest... It was both easy and difficult to open up. But, unfortunately, the princess could not reciprocate. She had reasons for this. Ivan felt sad, his soul was heavy. And at some moment of sadness, Ivan began to see the light - why his parents gave him life. And he felt the taste of life and the value of his life. Ivan realized that love can be directed not to suffering and destruction, but to creation and creation. And Ivan began to create. Ivan expressed his feelings in poetry and songs. He began to direct his energy to his parents’ home, household, and work. Ivan also mastered a new profession. Ivan began to grow in his skill and increase his talents. Soon his talents and abilities became known in neighboring kingdoms. They wrote and talked about him. You may ask whether the princess reciprocated when Ivan became famous. But who knows. Maybe yes, maybe not. After all, the tale is about something else. About how to direct the energy of love to creation, creation, and not to destruction. How to do good, value life and the experience of meetings. Author: Irina Maltseva I wish you love and to be loved!
