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As a rule, people enter into such relationships again and again for a reason. They are led into toxic relationships by a combination of childhood traumas, triggers and irrational attitudes hidden deep in the subconscious. Signs that you are prone to such relationships ♦️ People with trauma of rejection Often, people whose vital needs were neglected by their parents end up in such relationships: abandoned, often left without basic care, assistance and supervision. This also includes people who experienced a lack of love, attention, acceptance and participation - who were formally looked after by emotionally cold parents - but at the same time neglected their feelings, desires, opinions. ♦️ People with blurred personal boundaries Boundaries can be blurred as a result of traumas received in childhood , or simply not established by emotionally immature parents. Such people fall under the influence of manipulators because they tend to be led and “dissolve” ♦️ People with “rescuer syndrome” These are very empathetic and sacrificial people with attitudes: “I will change him”, “Everything will be different with me.” Justifying a partner, hyper-responsibility, toxic feelings of guilt and the erroneous belief that an adult man can be re-educated prevent such people from leaving dependent relationships♦️ Infantile people with a negative worldview Dependent relationships are often created by people who painfully focus on the negative and at the same time do not want to take responsibility for their lives .This happens unconsciously: you can be “legally” angry, offended, and shift the blame for your misfortunes and failures on a toxic partner. Negative perception is seeing everything as a catch to you. Everyone wants to hurt you, offend you. And it’s easier to find a reason and suffer than to choose to be happy ♦️ Victims of abuse Most often, those who were subjected to some kind of abuse from parents/adults in childhood are prone to such relationships. Since any manifestation of aggression/violence (physical, verbal or otherwise) affects the psyche and what model of behavior the child will take as a basis later. Do you recognize yourself in these points??
