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From the author: Published on my website HOW TO SET GOALS CORRECTLY SO THAT YOU NOT BE TREATED FOR STRESS! All people set goals. They do this in very different ways. The results are appropriate. In many of my trainings and webinars, I encounter a number of problems in this area: “I don’t write down goals. What for? They are well formulated in my head...” “I have few goals. I can’t think of more than 3-5 goals. I don’t know what to want…” “I write down goals, but they don’t come true. Maybe I’m doing something wrong?” “My goals are coming true, but it’s very difficult and takes a long time. I heard that there are ways to somehow quickly and magically achieve goals. Is this possible? “I write goals, but then, when I achieve them, for some reason it doesn’t make me happy. Achieved, achieved, and what?” These are the problems people have... Perhaps you recognized yourself somewhere? Therefore, I decided to write a series of articles “How to set goals correctly and achieve them.” In these articles I will answer all of the above questions. I am also currently conducting a series of free online trainings on the same topic. More about this at the end of the article. So, how to set goals correctly so as not to be treated for stress later? So that they are achieved joyfully? To make it easy? First, I’ll list the basic requirements for goals: 1. Goals need to be written down! It is this action that distinguishes a goal from a dream or desire. For example, you woke up and dreamed: “it would be nice to move to live in warmer climes, quit your job, marry a rich man, go on vacation to Bali, buy a new fur coat...” I wonder how many of these wishes are destined to come true? At best, only one thing will come true. And even then, provided that you get down to business seriously, make a plan and start doing at least something to achieve it. Therefore, goals need to be written down. With this simple action, you show the Universe (or someone else...) the seriousness of your intentions. If you find paper and a pen and write down your goal, then everything is serious. According to statistics, less than 3% of people do this. And they are the richest and most successful! Well, are you convinced? Then, take a notepad and pen (namely a notebook or notebook, and not a piece of paper that will be lost tomorrow)2. 2. Now, you can write down your goals correctly. The goal should be yours, that is, it should begin with the words “I, me, me.” For example, I move to a more comfortable job, they buy me a new fur coat, they take me on vacation at the seaside... Only then will your subconscious mind help you. If you have a goal that relates to another person, remake it so that your actions are there too. For example, I help my dad recover with my thoughts, I feel happy when he calls me..., my boss calls me and gives me a bonus... understand? We will talk about this important rule in more detail in the next article. 3. The goal must be formulated positively, without “no”. That is, you write not what you want to get rid of, but what you want to achieve. Imagine, for example, that you want to hit a target. It would be wise to face her and aim at her. But many people, for some reason, do the opposite. They turn their backs to the target (goal), look at their reality, and write down what they want to get rid of. For example, I don't want to work at this job anymore. The question immediately arises - which one do you want? After all, not just any other? That’s why we turn around, look at the target carefully and write it down. Then your chances of hitting the target increase. 4. Write the goal in the present continuous tense. What it is? It’s as if the goal has already begun to come true and this process is underway. For example, I buy a trip to Norway in July 2012, I get promoted in the fall of 2012, I get a new house in ... etc. It's clear? The goal has begun to come true, but has not yet come true - this is very important. And one more thing – you write without “I want”. After all, if you write I want to go to Africa, then your goal has already come true! You can keep wanting! But this does not bring you any closer to your goal... These are the basic requirements for goals! Enough
