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Often we say about ourselves or someone else that we are too lazy to do something. For example, someone does not want to study or work. Then we often get the following explanation: he is lazy or he is lazy. It would seem that everything is clear and understandable here and there is nothing to add. But is it really that simple? No! And let's try to figure out why this is so. In fact, “laziness” is an everyday concept, that is, psychologists, for example, do not use such a term in their work, since it is some kind of label and the term itself does not clarify much, there is little that can help us explain. Rather, everyone here will put their own content into it and will think about something of their own. And most often this “own” will be quite abstract. Naturally, we cannot be satisfied with such a state of affairs, and therefore we do not use this term, but study a person’s motivation and his desires. Well, of course, not only them. After all, what is laziness in its essence? Reluctance to do one thing, but a desire to do something else. Why doesn’t a person want to do one thing, but wants another? Now, when we, for example, ask a client such questions and receive answers to them, then a lot becomes clear, a lot is perceived differently (in general, psychologists don’t even remember such a concept as “laziness”). Let’s give Some examples that will illustrate this idea. The student does not want to study, but wants to spend all his time watching TV or computer. It is clear that one can say that he is lazy. It’s clear that if we start to understand motivation, there can be a variety of reasons. For example, the reason could be that he feels bad at school, he doesn’t understand anything, he doesn’t get along well with the kids, and the teachers don’t support him. So he goes into the virtual world, which can provide other, more pleasant experiences. Another example. The person doesn’t want to work, doesn’t want to get a job anywhere. Lazy person? Perhaps not. Perhaps he just hasn’t found something he likes, or it’s important for him to do something on his own, or he doesn’t know how to establish contact with people, or he just has money and doesn’t need to work :) . It’s already a bit of a relic of the past that everyone has to work. Perhaps the person has agoraphobia and is afraid to go out. Or there is a fear that something will not work out. Yes, you never know what can happen! It is important to get to know a person better, it is important to understand him better. Have there been any interesting examples in your life that could be useful illustrations for the material? Yes, and what terms and definitions, in your opinion, can also be classified as everyday ones? I’m waiting your responses!
