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Parental education plays a decisive role in the formation of a child’s personality. It covers a wide range of behavioral and emotional strategies that parents use to raise their children. It is important to note that parental education can have a significant impact on the development of personality traits in children. In this article, we will look at the influence of parenting on the formation of personality traits in children and consider some important aspects of this process. The influence of parenting styles: Different parenting styles, such as authoritarian, authoritative, permissive and inattentive, can have different effects on the formation of personality traits in children. Authoritarian parenting, characterized by rigid rules, control, and low levels of emotional support, may contribute to the development of more reserved and submissive personality traits in children. Authoritative parenting, which combines a degree of control and support, helps children develop autonomy, independence and social competence. Permissive parenting, characterized by high levels of support and low control, can lead children to develop more impulsive and inconsistent personality traits. Neglectful parenting, characterized by low levels of control and support, can negatively impact children's development of emotional stability and self-regulation. Impact of Family Emotional Climate: Family emotional climate, including emotional support, warmth, conflict, and affective bonding between parents and children, also has an impact important for the development of personality traits in children. Research shows that children who grow up in families with a warm and supportive emotional climate tend to develop positive personality traits such as high self-esteem, emotional stability and social competence. Emotional support from parents helps children build self-confidence, as well as develop emotional regulation and empathy skills. Conflict in the family can have a negative impact on the development of personality traits in children. Frequent and insufficiently resolved conflicts can cause stress in a child and lead to the development of negative personality traits such as aggressiveness, anxiety and low self-esteem. It is important that parents find healthy ways to resolve conflicts while providing children with a safe and supportive environment. Role of Modeling: Parents are the primary models for their children. Children observe and imitate the behavior and attitudes of their parents. Positive parenting behaviors and communication can help children develop emotional intelligence, social skills, and problem-solving skills. However, negative behavior patterns, such as aggression or disrespect, can negatively affect the development of personality traits in children. Parental education has a significant impact on the development of personality traits in children. Parenting styles, the emotional climate in the family, and parental behavior modeling all influence children's development of self-esteem, emotional stability, social competence, and other important personality traits. Understanding this influence will help parents consciously develop positive personality traits in their children and create a favorable and supportive environment. Sincerely, Your psychotherapist, coach, interpersonal relationship consultant, Kamila Pozdnyakova.
