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Inspiration What inspires us? And what is inspiration? Where and how does inspiration come from? Let's take a closer look. Impressions, events, ideas, information, music, works of art, nature, emotions, people can inspire. Inspiration is different for each person. Inspiration is a psycho-emotional state that arises in the process of perceiving the environment. The formation of a state of inspiration is influenced by vivid, emotionally charged impressions of what is perceived. Inspiration is a very important component, a component of a person’s positive motivation for various types of activities and affects the mood, processes of thinking, behavior and actions of a person. Maintaining a state of inspiration contributes to: 🔸️ the formation and development of sustainable motivation for various types of activities 🔸️ the development of purposeful human activity 🔸️ the development and disclosure of a person’s abilities for one or another type of activity 🔸️ the disclosure and manifestation of the potential of a person’s personality 🔸️ the formation and manifestation of non-stereotypical, creative thinking processes 🔸️ realization of the creative component of a person’s personality. Inspiration is an important component of a person’s internal psychological resource state. To form a state of inspiration, it is important to be inclusive, involved in attention processes - focusing attention. To focus and concentrate attention on those components of the environment that inspire a person, it is important to master the skill of switching and concentrating. Before concentrating, it is best to apply relaxation techniques and meditation for several minutes, which contribute to the formation of a calm psycho-emotional and psychophysiological state, and then focus on perceiving as many details and nuances of what inspires as possible, and then focus on attention to one’s own internal sensations of the coloring of emotions that arise when perceiving an inspiring (object, event, information, etc.) and then focus on the desires and needs that arise during the formation of a state of inspiration. At all stages of working with the state of inspiration, a professional psychologist can provide important corrective assistance. Veronica Ostrovskaya #inspiration
