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A client came to see me who had what I thought was an interesting anxiety: she was worried that she was boring other people. Indeed, sometimes we focus too much on the fear of being boring, believing that our person is not interesting or attractive enough to interact with others. Here are the recommendations I gave her for overcoming this anxiety and building healthy relationships: 1. Accepting Diversity of Opinions: One of the key aspects to overcoming the fear of being boring is understanding that everyone is entitled to their opinion about us. Sometimes we may meet people who do not like our company or with whom we do not get along. However, this should not confuse us and crush our self-confidence. Each person is unique, and there will always be people who will appreciate us.2. Development of interests: Interests play an important role in our lives and determine how attractive we are to others. However, if we find that our interests or hobbies seem boring to other people, this is not a reason to panic. Gradually developing our own interests and exploring new areas helps us find commonality with people.3. Developing Social Skills: Much has to do with our ability to connect emotionally with others. Smiling, kindness, active listening and empathy are all factors that contribute to strengthening interactions with others. Don't be afraid to ask questions, open up, and share your thoughts and emotions.4. Self-confidence: Often the fear of being boring to other people is based on a lack of self-confidence, and people feel it. Self-confidence and attractiveness attract others. Practicing positive thinking and working with your self-esteem will help you gain self-confidence. Experiences and fears are based on our THOUGHTS about ourselves, which do not always correspond to reality. But the good news is that our thoughts can always be criticized. By changing just your thoughts about yourself, you can completely change your life..
