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The Law of Capricorn is the third Law of the Universe that a person lives after birth on Earth. A law associated with the energy of the Father. The father figure comes into focus as authority, as autonomy and independence, as the first conscious step towards growing up and trying to be autonomous, to learn some skills so as not to be dependent on others. If a child has a good connection with his father, he feels protected and empowered during this period. He confidently makes a challenge to his mother - I Myself! He begins to do on his own those things that are difficult for him - getting dressed, trying to make his bed, helping to cook in the kitchen, washing dishes, doing laundry, mopping the floors. The period when the greatest initiative comes from the child himself. When it seems to him that he has learned the world, how to live in it, and now he can do a lot on his own. The Law of Capricorn is the archetype of Saturn or Chronos, it is penetration into the sense of Time. This is a connection with the Father of the Family. This is the very idea of ​​having a child on earth. This is his highest Goal, his talents, this ability to control himself and what is given to you. This is its skeleton, foundation and support, its core and skeleton, meanings and goals, qualities and quantity: - Who does a child need to be; awareness of the calling, why I was born here, my purpose and function in the Family of my Father. - How can it manifest itself here. Ways to achieve the goal: tactics and strategy, lessons and training. – How much time is needed to achieve the required quality and quantity of a personality, individual, individual, person in order to achieve their Highest Goal. – Realization of the Highest Idea of ​​the Family through a specific person. – Passion and manifestation of talents , inherent initially in this baby. The charge of the power of the Father of the Family. The Law of Capricorn is violated during this period very easily by the mother and those who raise him: – When a child says: “I myself!”, They say to him: “I have no time to wait for you, let’s go faster, I’ll do it, dress it, I’ll wipe it, I’ll put it in...” The parents do not give the child the necessary time. They do not recognize him as a personality and an individual, his peculiarity is not taken into account, they do not take into account that the child needs to develop his own core, his own qualities. The proverb “Seven nannies have a child without an eye” is about such overprotection when the child does not control his body and ran into something that is in front of him, before his eyes. - When a child tries to do something, and the mother raises her tone, forbids him, laughs at his attempts, takes it away from him and competes with him, humiliating him. “That’s how it should be, why are you spreading dirt here?!” “Who does this?” Inappropriate criticism, without explanation and patience of how, after all, it should be done. Compared to the Great Mother, the child feels worthless, and at this moment all his undertakings, initiatives, and desire to do something on his own in general are destroyed. Compared to the Great Father, he is a worm. Thus, his core, his internal support, is cut off, he acquires the skill of looking for support from the outside, becoming dependent and infantile. The state of spinelessness and lack of will is laid down in a crooked understanding of the Law of Capricorn. With methodical humiliation and denial of independence, the child loses contact with the flow of the Great Father of the Family. He loses his passion and tries to hide his talents so that they do not interfere with his dependence. What he is interested in, he represses and says that it is for little ones, but he is already big, he no longer needs it. He renounces his selfhood, himself, so long as he is not shouted at and humiliated. There are, of course, rebel children who begin to act evil. They show their charge of passionarity through protest and yelling, through hysteria and running away from the situation in order to finish what they want on the sidelines. Beaten most of all by the system. But... Big Mom, who acts in society as the only true form of education, has other levers for breaking a person’s core: all possible threats, medical workers with injections, police, arrests, isolation, various punishments, etc. d. Children like this, as a rule, go into rebellion for the sake of rebellion. Then comes the challenge, they start fighting, smoking, drinking, destroying501001
