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From the author: What to do if you are abandoned? Author: master of short-term strategic therapy Oleg Vladimirovich Surkov The worst thing happened in your life! Your loved one left you, left. You don't understand why and why? What to do now and how to live further? You feel very bad and you want to return your loved one, you are ready for anything! Very often, being captive of emotions and despair, you try to sort things out, demand an explanation, and begin to pursue the one who abandoned him. You start calling on the phone several times a day, keeping watch at the entrance. The more you pursue, the more you are rejected! By pursuing, you demonstrate your weakness and do not allow your partner to change his mind, but only strengthen him in the correctness of his decision. Therefore, it is very important not to pursue your partner, not to “get” him. But if you act convincingly enough, you will see an amazing effect. Within a year and a half, the partner returns in 70% of cases. But this happens only when you continue to live your normal life with dignity. And when the “prodigal husband” returns, a paradoxical situation arises. Often there is no joy in returning! You are already doubting whether you want this return or not! In 50% of cases they accept it back, and in 50% of cases they don’t! You wished for him to come back, and when he came back, he had already lost his charm. Thus, if you have been dumped, then do not pursue your partner. This will only strengthen him in his decision. Continue to live your life with dignity! Time will put everything in its place! Here is another article on this topic, “Depression. A healthy reaction when you are abandoned.” Sign up for a consultation: phone 8-905-793-2237 skype sovlad2 Oleg Vladimirovich Surkov I work with my soul! If you found the article interesting, the author will be pleased for your thanks. This will inspire you to write new interesting articles.!
