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“Don’t laugh too much, otherwise you’ll cry,” my grandmother said. For me, an optimist, this was a ban on expressing positive emotions. As a result, I assessed myself and what was happening mainly in negative terms. Even in the event of a big victory, it was impossible to rejoice - my grandmother said! From there, dissatisfaction with myself, with my results, self-criticism in the style: “Total fucked up, I could have done better,” perfectionism. Despite this, I did not stop doing what I liked. And everything worked out. But that’s another story... When feelings are prohibited, a person cannot cry, he is ashamed to be afraid, and someone is not happy, lives without love. It happens that such a person in the company of people begins to express his thoughts. For example, he mixed up the words. Mentally disgraces himself. At the same time, no one noticed the mistake, but on the contrary, everyone thought that the idea was sensible and sincere. But he still works himself up, reducing his confidence to a feeling of insignificance. Or suppose he became the winner in the competition. They congratulate him, but he thinks: “I’m a loser, they’re lying to me, the place is not first, but only second.” What should such a person do? Ask yourself questions:☑️ What are the facts that I performed poorly?☑️ Is there anyone -who doesn’t think that I performed poorly?☑️ If my loved one saw this, what would he say?☑️ And if a loved one told me about such a story, what would I advise him?☑️ What will happen if I continue myself feel insecure?☑️ What will my life be like if I see only the negative?☑️ And if I focus on what came out of it well, then what will my life be like? These questions will help you look wider, become more flexible in relation to yourself and those around you. Over time, you will solve problems faster, become more positive, even in the minuses you will find advantages, increase confidence, look at any situation objectively. I learned this and you will definitely succeed! With respect and gratitude for your attention, your psychologist Julia Zhukova. © Zhukova Yu. V., 2023 I will be glad if you click the “thank you” button under the article, it will inspire me to write the next one...--------------------- -------------------You can also subscribe to article updates to be the first to receive recommendations and tips - to do this, click on the “subscribe” button under my photo in the right sidebar. If you If you are unsure of yourself, in money, in relationships, then sign up for a consultation in private messages or by phone / WhatsApp+79878657570
