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From the author: This is another section from my book “I Did It!” All previous articles are also from it. “What one cannot do alone is easy together. Ask for help - and they will always help you.” Often we are programmed by society, zombied, we are always looking for a super method, a super teacher. We forget that we are students and cannot force another person to act as we want. We cannot control the teacher, the guru, or the author of this book. We can only control our lives, ourselves. Therefore, there are no bad teachers, there are only bad students who are lazy and don’t want to learn. They blame others and find many reasons to justify their incapacity. Me and only me. If I always learn and develop myself, then new opportunities open up for me. And it doesn’t matter at all whether those around me understand me. I will always turn any negative into a positive. This is the essence of a conscious person. Such a person is aware of any situation, will solve it, draw conclusions and create a plus. What is a plus? This is that we do not repeat previously occurring situations. When we transformed ourselves into someone for whom it will not happen again. If we don’t do this, if we are not good students, blindly believing that the lectures we listened to, seminars, videos we reviewed, books we re-read will change our lives, we are acting absurdly. Alas, millions live this way. They say: he cannot help me, he does not change my life, he does not make my life easier. This teacher is bad, this book is worthless. This is a misunderstanding. It should be said: I am unable to understand, I cannot learn, I don’t know what to do, I don’t find where I could find out, no matter how much I search, I still don’t find, I need to keep looking, I, but It's not up to someone else to solve my situation. And I will do this until I decide. I will solve my problems until I achieve my goals. You must know where negative energies come from: TV, through which aggression is spread, books and articles that carry bad information, in which they write how difficult it is to live, how many divorces, illnesses, crimes, etc. We must understand that everything that I have named has a very bad effect on us, namely: it lowers our vibrations, blocks us, and we succumb to negative energies. What we feel, we attract into our lives, and it surrounds us. If you want to live, as they say, according to the news, watch them! If you want to be afraid of war, watch what is happening in the world. You will say: “I must know what is happening in the world.” You can't escape this. It's everywhere. Just don’t waste your time on things that don’t lead you to a better life! If you want to grow, start with simple actions: don't watch TV, don't read newspapers, don't surf the Internet, looking through useless social network pages. And don't be afraid. We are often afraid of both success and failure..
