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How often do you allow yourself to be weak? Not a victim or a person who only blames everyone and everything for his troubles, but rather the weak. The person who can accept his weakness and admit that it is difficult for him to constantly control everything that happens to him. It’s a strange thing, but for quite a long time the idea was formed that a person should always be strong 24/7. After all, only with such an attitude can you achieve something in life. That is, to achieve success. Weakness has often come to be perceived as any manifestation of emotions that are taboo in society. Meanwhile, a ban on this often leads to the fact that a person begins to accumulate negativity. And, as you know, at a certain moment, what accumulates inside comes out. Weakness and its manifestations are not about whining at all, but about those doubts that are inherent in every person. About those emotions that appear when a person experiences real feelings with which he was born. This is anger, sadness, fear. Joy is also real, but about that another time. In society, such experiences, as a rule, do not find approval. And what is not approved is safer to ban. This is how we get the stereotypes that exist in society. This also applies to men. and women. After all, the ideal of a man, the one that is convenient for society, is always a strong robot, ignorant of doubts and fatigue, who is never weak and does not experience any doubts. He goes and does it, and there are no nails. And a woman cannot be weak, although here the requirements of society are softer. But, nevertheless, it turns out that it is also not recommended for a woman to be weak, otherwise she will be trampled on. You need to be strong and rely on your strengths and no weakness, this is almost impossible. Often in work, you come across the fact that it is precisely this ban on weakness that underlies both emotional burnout and chronic fatigue. And such states are always apathy and a decrease in internal tone, which are associated with the loss of both desires and internal energy. A very unpleasant condition. Moreover, when weakness is prohibited in a relationship, then most often there is no talk of any acceptance or support. It is worth understanding that when a person shows weakness in such conditions, he often does not set himself the goal of shifting responsibility for the decision to another. His need is to express, to speak out the doubts that he has inside. Of course, one should not turn a manifestation of weakness into a game where a person tries to renounce his own authorship in life and turn into a victim. But this is a very fine line, comparable to a blade along which a person walks in this situation. And we can only be weak with those whom we trust and know that we will be accepted in any way, without judgment. Your psychologist Anton Chernykh.
