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The topic of upbringing and education covers many issues and includes many facets. This topic is politicized, since parents and state-controlled institutions: kindergarten, school, sports clubs participate in the child’s education. In the general education system, the curriculum includes issues of history, geography, ethnicity, politics, racism and nationalism. Based on social ideas about one’s own and other ethnic groups, the child develops a complex idea that forms a system of ethno-differentiating characteristics, such as the geographical environment; community of language; ethnonym; historical memory; ethnic consciousness; myths about common ancestors; race; community of territory; values ​​and norms; religion; folklore. Thus, when choosing a kindergarten or school for their child, parents need to take into account that the issue regarding the choice of language of instruction includes many factors. A child with a language absorbs the cultural heritage of the country and its people and thus faces a difficult choice: to become a child of his parents with their cultural heritage or to become a child of the society in which he receives an education? Parents need to make a decision for their child and this decision requires serious consideration, since the wrong approach to this issue can lead to many problems and difficulties in learning and communication, both for the child and for his parents. The problem of bilingualism has been studied in Latin America and Europe, but has not received due attention in the post-Soviet space. Let’s try to cover this topic in more detail than society dictates to us: “A child who has received an education in the state language becomes a full-fledged citizen of this country.” We often hear phrases from each other: “Perhaps we demand too much from our children? Let them better learn one language properly!” Bilingualism is a phenomenon when the native language, for one reason or another, does not coincide with the language of the country of residence. The main question is that bilingualism should reveal its fruitful side, and not turn into a mixture of “French and Nizhny Novgorod” (Nabokov). Unfortunately, perfect bilinguals are quite rare. In the mind of a bilingual child, two constantly developing languages ​​compete with each other. But subsequently only one of them will dominate. Experience shows that bilingual people can call only one of their languages ​​100% their own. This is where parents need to think about what they want their child to be like? A full citizen of the country in which he lives or the cultural heritage of the nation of which he is a representative? It must be remembered that by depriving a child of the opportunity to fully master his native language, he is deprived of his cultural heritage! Parents and the school participate in the bilingual education of a child, therefore, the topic of upbringing and education touches on issues of national minorities, racism, and nationalism. It is not always possible to maintain a balance between the ideas of integration and the preservation of cultural roots. a child with a language absorbs the cultural heritage of the country and its people. They may be at odds with the cultural beliefs of the family. For this reason, the children of immigrants in America and Europe study in separate schools from the natives. This practice reduces the stress factor associated with integration. When deciding on the choice of language of education for their child, parents must decide for themselves that if they want to become a full-fledged member of society and a congenial family member, then they must prioritize the issue of integration for themselves! And begin to integrate ourselves into the society, culture, traditions of this country, while maintaining a certain amount of originality. Bilingualism and biculturalism can provide the necessary amount of openness to this complex and multifaceted world!
