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Good afternoon, good evening! When people come to me with requests for lack of interest in life, apathy, disappointment in everything and everyone, the time comes to remember about the inner child, pay attention to him and ask: “Hello! How are you, Baby?” The inner child is our emotions, this field of limitless WANT! At any cost, by any means. Want! Without the initial “I want,” neither an adult nor a parent will be able to do anything, because there is no goal, no desire. When the inner child is silent, a person has no desires. The inner child is about curiosity. We are interested in everything: why the leaves turn yellow, why the wind blows, what breed is this dog... what does it feel like to fly on a seaplane, how do exchanges work, what are the best-selling products on marketplaces, and it is this feeling that motivates us to act - try - and achieve! The only way. The inner child is spontaneity and lightness. If you want to ask, go ahead and ask a question; if you want to get acquainted, go ahead; if you want a toy, ask. Do you feel it? An adult will ask himself a thousand questions, think about a hundred difficulties and “inconveniences” and in the end, if his child is dozing, he will go further on his ordinary path into a familiar, boring life. The inner child is about perseverance. If her parents haven’t beaten her down, then a kid who wants something will strive to the last, there is no field in his head for “it’s impossible, and it won’t work out,” he goes to the end. Everything that the baby has goes into his arsenal: screams, tears, threats, and maybe even a small fist, he is just learning to negotiate, but he always goes to the end! Are you adults, are you up to the end? One interview didn’t work out, but I won’t go to the second one. One girl refused - the end of her personal life) Is this familiar? Time to ask for help from the smallest one - your inner child! Much has been said about the roles of a child - an adult and a parent, let us remember the founder of the concept of personality structure from these three components, Eric Berne, who mentioned and the desired balance of three ego states: When the internal state and behavior becomes skewed in one direction, then a person, by choice or not, begins to feel discomfort and difficulties in internal sensations and relationships with others. Indeed, if we take the opposite extreme, society condemns infantilism, when a person remains for a long time in the role of a child, does not take responsibility, condemns the circumstances in everything, and cannot separate from the family nest. Theory is good, but practice is much better. Therefore, take note, share with adult friends who have lost interest in life a tool on how to console and heal the inner child: Take a blank sheet of A4 paper, empty, it will be a large white sheet, not just a torn piece from a notebook or notepad. Get some privacy. Turn on some nice music. Slow down and restore your breathing. May you be pleasant and calm. Let, as they said in the advertisement, the whole world wait while you go to meet your inner child. Inhale - exhale. Everything is fine. Remember yourself as a child. You are under seven years old. Look at yourself from the outside. It’s as if you suddenly met yourself on the playground of your childhood. Maybe you sat next to each other on a swing, maybe on the same carousel, maybe you were in a sandbox. Look at him - yourself, smile. Open your heart. You are the most important and important person. What is your child like? How is he feeling? Tell him: I see you! I love you! You are important to me! What can I do for you? Now take a piece of paper, divide it into two parts, in the first write the first thing you remember, about what you wanted as a child, but you didn’t get, what upset or offended you, everything - everything. Wrote. Excellent. Inhale - exhale. Tears are a normal and healthy reaction to this practice. Tears of purification, understanding and exit from the state in which you are. An environmentally friendly and effective way to express accumulated emotions, pain, resentment, everything that was inside. Now you're an adult and now you can give yourself what you want
