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From the author: About the founder of bioenergetic analysis and the importance of body-oriented therapy The founder of bioenergetic analysis, the outstanding scientist Alexander Lowen, was born in 1910 in the USA, in a family of emigrants from Russia. While searching for a solution to his own health problem by doing physical exercises, he became interested in the relationship between mind and body. Interest in the problem led him to the views of W. Reich, with whom he underwent personal therapy, and subsequently was his student. In 1947, Loewen entered the medical school of the University of Geneva, and in 1951 received a doctorate and returned to the USA. In the 50s in New York, Loewen developed body-oriented psychotherapy, combining the idea of ​​S. Freud, his own experience and knowledge, received during training with Reich. Lowen called body-oriented psychotherapy bioenergetic analysis, which is called a revolutionary method in psychotherapy. The word bioenergetics is derived from two Greek words that are translated as activity and life. The theory of bioenergetic analysis is based on the ideas of S. Freud that the cause of bodily tension is mental conflict. A. Lowen believed that the sensations that a person experiences from his own body and during its movement can be the key to understanding the emotional state. That is why he taught his patients to be aware of their body, releasing unnecessary energy, which manifests itself in the form of chronic muscle tension (blocks), disrupting its free flow and limiting personality development. Lowen believed that the psyche is symbolically reflected in the physical appearance of a person, therefore Lowen's therapy offers to unblock the physical body and the emotions accumulated in the body. This will release large reserves of energy that are spent on containing them. Freeing energy will allow a person to use it for creative purposes. In his works, Lowen proved that the human body and mind are an inextricable unified system. When a person performs Lowen’s exercises, he can feel elation and pleasure, and this is an indicator of natural balance, as the scientist argued. The main exercise that Lowen proposed was vibration (you can read about vibration here), the scientist believed that a violation of vibrations in the body is an indicator of a violation of energy flows. In the process of bioenergetic work, with the help of special exercises, the body is immersed in a vibrational state. When the whole body vibrates, at this moment energy processes are launched, thanks to which changes in thinking occur; in the process of performing exercises (experience, as Lowen called it), the body is freed from blocks that prevent the reunification of consciousness and body, as the scientist believed. The basis of bioenergetic theory is the statement that the human body stores both tension and release; when a person is healthy, he feels pleasure from life. This does not happen in a sick body, since muscle tension in the body interferes with the free circulation of energy. A. Lowen's exercises are designed so that a person can perform them independently. You can find them on the Internet, in the public domain. Try it and you will get a new experience that will surprise you, and also discover new things about yourself. Good luck!
