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The term “Automatic thoughts” was introduced by Aaron Beck and represents the concept of the cognitive model of cognitive behavioral therapy, which means fleeting evaluative thoughts that arise as a person’s reaction to certain circumstances and are not the result of reflections or inferences , not necessarily based on evidence, but usually accepted by him as the truth. Automatic thoughts are internal psychological habits and skills of automatically instantly forming a general assessment of an event, current situation, object. A person is often not aware of the presence of these thoughts, but is aware of the presence of emotions and reactions that arise as a consequence. It is automatic thoughts that influence a person’s emotional state and also influence his behavior. Like any habits and skills, automatic thoughts can be useful or harmful. Within the cognitive model, it is assumed that automatic thoughts (and the emotions, behavior and physiological response they cause) are determined not only by the situation as such, but also by how a person perceives situation are determined by perception, as well as its state, physical and psychological. In the process of cognitive behavioral therapy, the identification of Automatic thoughts is necessary to identify the deeper layers of the cognitive paradigm - deep and intermediate beliefs, irrational thoughts, cognitive schemes, in order to then correct dysfunctional beliefs to functional ones, which will change perception and adaptively affect behavior. Automatic thoughts: - a parallel flow of thinking; - are characteristic of all people; - are not realized (brought to the point of automatism); - are caused by the perception (interpretation) of situations; - are subject to distortions; - largely determine subsequent emotions; - if you learn to recognize/identify AM, evaluate check - you can influence the emotional state. Automatic thoughts can be in the form of: - short thoughts (shorthand thoughts that have a specific meaning); - images; - ideas; - destructive ideas. This is the perception of the situation, the interpretation of the situation and conclusions about the situation. The therapist, in the process of working with the client, checks the accuracy, benefit from AM, studies the presence of cognitive distortions. AMs can be valid or distorted, either positively or negatively. Their effects can be beneficial, harmful, or neutral. Cognitive behavioral therapy helps clients learn to recognize and cope with unhelpful thinking.
