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From the author: This article is not perfect. But seriousness is present only in places. The technique proposed here is not valid or reliable, but may be interesting to implement. Ideas are controversial and vulnerable to criticism, but may inadvertently lead to you meeting your ideal match. IDEAL COUPLE The theme of ideality and imperfection is heard this month on bi17. Ideality is not the ideality of the world, people, yourself, your loved one. This month there is also a theme of princes and princesses, as well as mere mortals. I couldn’t resist and decided to add my own touch to this symphony. So, is it possible to find your perfect match? Does it exist? There is an easy method to determine what qualities we really need in a person. You need to sit down and quickly, without thinking, write down 10 qualities that our ideal life partner must certainly have, then another 20, then another. The idea is that if you write quickly and without thinking, then somewhere after the fifth decade a person “writes down” various external superficial attitudes received from society and family, and begins to write what has value and meaning directly for him. One middle-aged married woman, while performing this technique, did not listen attentively to the instructions and understood it in her own way. I decided that I needed to write about the qualities of my husband. What would you think? She wrote 50! Fifty real attractive qualities of her husband for her! So it turns out that the perfect match can still be found? Ideality is usually understood as the absence of imperfections and shortcomings. Such a walking set of all kinds of advantages, from appearance to the beauty of the soul. In reality, people are not perfect and have full sets of flaws. So what happens, it’s impossible to meet an ideal match? Since there are no ideal people? How do you like the idea of ​​considering a person whose flaws suit you perfectly as an ideal match? And then an ideal couple is not a meeting of two perfections at all, it is a meeting of people with flaws that suit each other. And then it makes sense to look for just such a life partner - a person with shortcomings that suit us, and not with a set of ideal and desirable qualities. What is a qualifying flaw? It is worth noting that the very concepts of ideal and flaw are subjective. What is a flaw for one is perfection for another. What in the eyes of one woman looks like stinginess (and this is a terrible flaw!), in the eyes of another, looks like perfect ability to manage a family budget (and this is ideal money management!). A suitable flaw of a partner may be something that is inherent in the person himself. For example, both of the couple smoke. Or they both like to throw objects during an argument. And then the disadvantage becomes the basis for uniting the couple. A suitable disadvantage of a partner can also be a quality that is opposite to ours. And then the lack of another person enriches, balances and harmonizes us. One is spontaneous to the point of impossibility, the other meticulously plans everything down to the smallest detail for as long as possible. In my opinion, a deficiency can also be considered suitable, the presence of which in another does not bother us or cause irritation. Crooked teeth that for some reason evoke tenderness, a slight stutter that makes the voice so familiar, a habit of swearing that is perceived as charm, a mess that for some reason is experienced as the breath of life, absent-mindedness that touches. Yes, you never know what else.
