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Have you ever thought about who your state of inner freedom REALLY depends on? Oh! I can already hear :-) your instant answer: “Of course, from me, from whom else?” But wait, let’s take our time and calmly figure it all out... If you ask a person a question directly: “Do you feel inner freedom?” As a rule, there is a pause in the air, and then the brain begins to search for an answer, and the person tries to explain to himself that, of course, he is free. And then a certain logical chain is built: I am free because I can do this, I can do that, and so on. For example, how did you react to this question? Have you managed to track down? But what is this - internal freedom? Internal freedom is a state in which, under any circumstances, we are free to choose what makes us feel good. Isn’t it healthy? Living in a state of internal freedom, WE ALWAYS, UNDER ANY IN CIRCUMSTANCES WE CAN CHOOSE WHAT WE LIKE, WHAT SUITS US! But the trap lies in the fact that the mirror of our inner freedom is relationships with other people. For example, if your mood is spoiled because something is wrong with you , in your opinion, your husband (wife), boss, girlfriend, saleswoman of the nearest supermarket or neighbor from the second entrance looked, then you can be sure that you definitely lack internal freedom. Because if you depend on the mood and actions of other people, then , what then depends on you? What then can you freely choose, and you will feel good about it? Can you choose the mood of another person? An absurd question, isn’t it? Of course, you can only choose your own mood! But what if Still, the emotions of other people strongly touch you, and you are angry and offended by them or blame yourself for indecision, aggression, inability to refuse or respond adequately? There is only one answer: first you need to free your soul from the captivity of negative experiences that limit internal freedom and the ability to open and sincere communication with other people. In the first block of the new training, you will master a system of exercises that will help you free yourself during the training from the most haunting experiences that have roots in deep childhood. And immediately begin to generate within yourself a resourceful state of internal freedom and vital energy necessary to realize your goals. This is what we will do in the 2nd and 3rd blocks of the new training. Get ready! :-) Yes, yes, you will actively realize your goals already during the training process! So, the state of internal freedom is the foundation of all other positive experiences: love, happiness, harmony, confidence, activity, vital energy. It is important to answer the question: Why do you want inner freedom? Imagine that you are internally free, what will you do then, what will change first in your life? If you cannot answer this question for yourself, then there is no point in working on gaining internal freedom. And your desires to be free will remain another abstraction of your life, which you will only dream about, but in fact just seek confirmation that this is impossible for you... Answer the question right now: “WHY do you need a state of inner freedom?” Begin the answer from the words: “In order to...” And try to answer as specifically as possible. The answer “In order to enjoy life” is good, but what exactly are you implementing, what will change when you start enjoying life? Remember! MORE SPECIFIC! First answer yourself, and then read the proposed options with which you can supplement your answers... This is important! So, I offer my answers: - In order to see more opportunities for the realization of abilities, talents, potential... - In order to adequately perceive reality, and not through the prism of habitual reactions, stereotypes and beliefs instilled in childhood by parents and society... - In order to realize the purpose of life and boldly move along the path of life... - In order to? :-)
