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Dedicated to all the female Witches I know))) Your wife is probably a witch if...She bought a vacuum cleaner. And then I bought a broom. If, having received your salary, you feel an irresistible desire to give it to your wife... all of it. If she never goes to church, but she keeps candles in packs. If she has green eyes. On Fridays. If two thirds of what she cooks in the kitchen has nothing to do with food. If she washes herself right before she gets dirty: in ash, in clay, in paint, in wax... and not after, like all normal people. If, before cutting down a branch, she suggests giving the tree anesthesia. If you had sex for a day in a row, and she is still alive. If you had sex for three days in a row and you are still alive. If you once sipped tea from her cup, you sat there intently toilet for a week If your neighbors are saving money for a car, and you are saving up for a tambourine from Altai. Which is twice as expensive as the car. And it was your own idea. It seems... If she is silent when you try to argue with her. If she disappears from the house five minutes before your mother unexpectedly comes to you for a cup of tea. If you have forgotten what dust is. But you have a good idea of ​​what soot is. If you don’t remember exactly how many cats you have at home, and, it seems, some of them are dogs. If, since the moment of your wedding, she has managed to change not only her last name, but also her first name. And repeatedly. If she doesn’t smoke, but she always has matches in her pocket. If you have no enemies. More. No one. Alive. If she can decide to “go for a walk” at three in the morning. In winter. If your son's friends tried to pick her up. Somewhere at a disco. If the thought of any other woman makes you feel seasick. If she lit a campfire faster than the instructor. Twice. If “sabbath” is not a curse word for her. If someone tells a story and at the end says “in short, everyone died,” and she asks with interest, “And? What then?” If she immediately hangs up any bouquet given to her on the chandelier... flowers down. If in a restaurant the question “Do you want it cooked or rare?” she answered absentmindedly, “Meat separately, blood separately and in a glass, please!” If she watched “The Lord of the Rings” and muttered from time to time “that didn’t happen!” And finally, if you called her a “witch” in your hearts, and she sighed and said: “It’s finally arrived!” (unfortunately, I don’t know the author of the text) Typical appearance of a Witch in life (When describing the appearance of a typical female Witch, we used G. Bednenko’s article “Witches and Fairies” (the main expert on modern witches, you immediately feel that the person knows what he is writing about) )), supplemented by the author’s observations and reasoning). Predominantly chestnut, red or jet-black hair (although thanks to hydroperite and all subsequent advances in chemical products, this is not a fact), a mocking and even impudent look, a slightly raised eyebrow, a half-smile, languor, a sharp mind. Eye color is also an indicator. The sure sign is green eyes; further (descending): black, gray, brown. Blue is unlikely anymore. Smart look... yes, of course. Involvement in higher education as an element of appearance. You can easily find some bohemian notes and signs of a wealthy origin. It usually quickly becomes clear that in front of you is a capricious, capricious creature with her own mind... who, nevertheless, is very intriguing. One thing can be said about the appearance of such women - they may not be classic beauties, but they will be noticeable and spectacular always and in any situation. Clothing and accessories Important note: there is no secret code for how Witches should look and dress. They look so instinctive."Witches show a lot of ingenuity in clothes, sometimes bordering on bad taste (rags with such a cutout), they follow fashion, but rather from a theoretical point of view (yeah, again me and fashion - we coincided. I told you, that African-style jewelry will come back! And Gaultier agreed with me!)" That is. there are no fashion trends for her, she creates fashion herself, neverwithout obeying her."They love rich "earthly" colors: wine, terracotta, interesting textures, decorations - large and bright, often carrying some symbolic or occult meaning." Their charm is fairly flavored with eccentric notes and will manifest itself somewhere: in the hairstyle , clothes, manners. In any case, the Witch woman is characterized by a passion for unusual outfits, experimenting with her appearance and her own unique style. Their image of “I’m such an interesting girl,” if properly executed, can provoke an accident on a busy street. And in any case, it provokes others to actively stare. The witch can look like a professional fashion model demonstrating the latest avant-garde style, or dress in a dress with her great-grandmother’s corset. At the same time, individual toilet items can be borrowed from different eras. Moreover, leather pants and a lace blouse on a Witch are quite compatible. But, most often, a Witch is a sexually attractive woman... years old (it doesn’t matter!), dressed flashily and impressively - in all black. Black color definitely dominates. Clothes are obviously expensive. Makeup “The witch, in most cases, chooses bright and rich shades in makeup (she may sometimes overdo it). Many witches generally have a certain shocking quality that even millennia of persecution and forced hiding have not eradicated. A witch, in principle, can come out in the light and without makeup (for the same shocking purpose or simply out of laziness). The Witch feels more “naked” if she is not wearing any talismans (necklaces and other occult delights). And she even likes being “naked.” and drinks"Witches treat food the same way they treat life in general - with an appetite. That is why they sometimes suffer from excess weight, which they fight according to Maya Plisetskaya’s principle: “eat less and move more.” However, in general, witches are disciplined - otherwise how to get through through the chimney? On the other hand, they say that a woman who eats with appetite is a very erotic sight... appetite in one thing is appetite in everything, as they say. Witches use alcohol as a magical attribute and therefore either do not drink at all, or “ they drink black,” but with the latter option they master the sacrament of drinking without getting drunk. Only a witch can drink strong alcoholic drinks all her life and not get drunk. No one will ever see a witch drunk. Pets Witches love, first of all, individuality in their pets, so they can have a very unusual and sometimes frightening appearance. As a rule, witches love cats (but not seals, feel the difference!). Pets, knowing the witch’s stern character, respect and fear her and clearly know when to beg for something tasty and when it’s better to sit under the table. You are unlikely to see plush animals from the Witch (unless good people gave them to her a long time ago (witches are sentimental)." Literary preferences "The Witch may be interested in relationship guides, but more as an object of study than a guide to action. With too much information on this topic, the witch, as a rule, begins to yawn, fidget and lose concentration, deep down not understanding at all why write manuals on this topic when you can just come up and look like that. As cultured girls, they love television channels like Culture, Discovery, History, etc. "A volume of Kant or Nietzsche may well fall out of her bag. For the sake of curiosity, ask a question on the topic... and you will get a great answer! The witch will not miss an opportunity to show off. The witch happily quotes Kafka to everyone who is ready listen.CharacterThe main features of the portrait of a woman-Witch: - self-confidence - charisma - sharp mind - originality - tendency to demonstrate - sexuality - erudition - keen sense of humor Communication. Relationships with others."Witches are often introverts, they value silence, solitude, the “quality” of the people around them, and not their quantity. They love (or hate) specific people, and always know why. Witches, by and large, DO NOT CARE about the demands of others, althoughThey know these requirements and know how to manipulate others. They are respected for this, but sometimes witches can pay for it. For example, have you read anywhere about a fairy being burned at the stake?!" But there are Witches all over the place...Attitudes towards religion."Witches are closer to paganism. Their motto is: “I believe in God, but I don’t know which God I believe in.” They are not satisfied with the rigid framework of one religion. At a witch’s home, you can often see a Celtic cross, a Christian icon, an Egyptian all-seeing eye, a Buddha figurine, and sacred dried plants that ward off evil spirits peacefully side by side with each other. And it’s okay, they get along, they don’t quarrel.” Attitude to age.” Witches are masters at various skills, but they often have a unique approach to age... they flaunt their age, do not hide it: “Young man, you are, of course, amazingly good, but I remember Alexander the Great, so you can’t compare with him..."... to be honest, experience, it’s almost as attractive as inexperience"...Childhood. Relationships with parents. Most often, the Witch had a weak (for example, careless and irresponsible father who was not emotionally involved in the relationship with his daughter). In this case, the daughter will most likely reject her father (and even men in general) on a conscious level, because her life experience suggests that the man is an unreliable person with such a psychological reaction. there is a tendency to unconsciously identify with the masculine principle. As for the mother, often in families where there is no father (not necessarily literally), the mother is forced to take on the masculine role. Consequently, the daughter lacks not only a genuine model of masculinity, but also a model. femininity, which a girl usually borrows from her mother. Since childhood, the Witch has had problems recognizing the authority of others (elders). If the parents (a weak father and a mother who “couldn’t find anyone better”) are not authority figures, then all adults still need to prove that a small (not to mention a big) Witch is worth listening to them. Therefore, “The Witch, even in adolescence, is willful, strives to freedom, contradicts everyone, from relatives and teachers, even in kindergarten, he often hears: “Nasty, impudent girl!” “Relationships with men.” They don’t like witches, they FALL IN LOVE with Witches (feel the difference!). What a witch dreams of - to conquer, to fall in love , perhaps - to screw, but not just anyone, but HIM (He can be both a prince and a soldier). The more victories, the more luxurious the dream (the number of men is lost in the distance). The witch dreams of meeting not a husband, but a father FOR her children." in this she resembles another legendary character - the Amazon (however, she does not so much despise men as she is not sufficiently interested in them). In the future, the status of the father may actually be abolished, and the father himself may remain nameless (she knows that the child is hers and only HER). Although the Witch may not strive to have children at all."If the Witch has met the “man of her dreams,” then the image of a bedroom all in candles, a melody and a passionate kiss will cloud in her head... (and then everything will depend on her upbringing and information gleaned from the media)". This woman usually makes an indelible impression - ice and fire, sincerity and deceit, passion and the ability to mercilessly refuse come together here. Men admire her, but other women hate her. It is difficult to control her attention and almost impossible to force her to do anything. The Witch knows what she wants and knows how to get it. The Witch’s relationship with a worthy partner develops in a “tango” rhythm. Witches like this dance, in which no one is inferior to anyone, but the movement is still joint. "In the development of relationships between equal partners, as in tango, three main cycles can be distinguished. Each cycle has a certain sequence, alternating female and male. The first cycle – male, it is called “set the direction” (a true Witch will gladly allow a man to play in charge). The second cycle is female – “providing space for this direction”. A woman can accept the direction of a man, that is, let his impulse come true, or not accept it. , and thenthis impulse will die. If the direction is accepted and space is provided, the man begins to engage in “structuring the space,” and the woman begins to “fill the structure.” When it is necessary to finish filling, at some point a man must “put an end to it,” since it is difficult for a woman to stop on her own, and a woman must “master the end.” This is the third cycle. For a man, a dot is a kind of end, a symbolic death. At this moment, he needs the woman's support to begin a new cycle of interaction. Tango reflects the endless dialogue between a man and a woman, with all the ups and downs, grievances and disappointments, the joy of meeting and the sadness of parting" (Purnis N.E. "From Tired Woman to Radiant")... But the tango of love is an ideal. In the life of a Witch most often, in the end, they prefer to remain alone, which does not exclude a crowd of admirers and temporary “lovers” (“it’s better to be alone than with just anyone”). Her loneliness is more likely a conscious solitude, since many events are happening in her inner world. , which need to be realized and integrated. She is focused on understanding the mysteries of nature, subjugating these elements and controlling them. As for the trail of broken hearts and broken lives, then, most often, the Witch woman does not seek to collect men, she simply turns out to be the brightest and most a large star in the sky, attracting everything smaller. This is not a courtesan or a hunter of men, her favor is not for sale - the buyer is more likely to be fooled and used. The witch does not seek male attention. And the thirst for possession is rather caused by her inaccessibility, multiplied by her showiness. There is no affectation or mannerisms in her, but with more than sincerity and sparklingness, it is not for nothing that such women are compared to fire. A Witch Woman is rarely happy, her very destructive nature rebels against calm happiness, the element of such a person is a stormy ocean and there is no place for fragile boats. She is bored with ordinary men, she plays with them: “What will happen if this is the case? What if this is the case? Eh, it's the same thing. Boring! Therefore, if the Witch chooses someone, then this person is an equally extraordinary person. It is impossible to be happy for a long time with the Witch, but she is unpredictable in relationships: “when a good fellow comes to her, he never knows what he will be offered: help , a magic ball and an apple on a magic plate with a blue border (sometimes after performing a number of household and bed duties on a joint initiative: witches are not selfish, but practical), or add to the collection of witch pickles and preserves with your own person. Witches are more people of mood, but they are also more generous." "Many cultural and artistic figures preferred to keep this type of woman next to them. In everything that concerns high creativity and the romance of personal life, cooperation with a witch is more than fruitful." For creative people, she is an invaluable and seasoned Muse. sweet poison source of inspiration. How many great poets and artists have fully revealed themselves next to such extraordinary women: Dali, Mayakovsky, etc. Sexual scenario “Witches love to talk about this topic so much that you can’t tell what’s true and what’s fiction, and whether “During passionate sex, the chandelier in the house fell off due to the pressure, or it was simply poorly nailed.” According to her, she is an inquisitor, a man is a victim, whose body during sex must turn into a merciless rack of pleasure (to mutual pleasure). A man will need a steel will and a strong mind to resist the witch’s onslaught and not become her sexual slave . Enslaving your lover is the instinctive goal of every witch. Professional scenario. “Witches prefer to work not with people, but with energies (for example, the energy of money). Therefore, they are excellent financiers, lawyers, businesswomen, advertising specialists, surgeons.” Witches are not tolerate bosses over them, so the career path of a witch is the path to becoming a leader orindividual entrepreneurs. Witches strive for control. Everything that can be controlled becomes safe and protected for her. Probably the most common reaction of a woman to an irresponsible father is the desire to do what the father did not do and what he did not achieve in the social or professional sphere. However, the tendency to compensate for the father's shortcomings often leads the daughter to overstrain at work and the desire for over-achievement. This pattern of behavior in our time is well known as workaholism. But, a true Witch sooner or later understands that the main path to self-realization runs through a connection with femininity. Therapy. Transformation. Witches at some point in their lives may come to therapy feeling emotionally drained from work and suffering from an unmet need for close relationships with others. Quite often they feel that men are afraid of them because they have been able to achieve success and become independent. They gradually realize that all their many successes are compensation for close relationships. They feel deceived by the fact that they have to work all the time, instead of feeling free: to play and just be - that is, to live, rejecting the child in themselves. Witches feel that they are becoming too rigid and in many cases they behave like men. They want to be open, ready to respond to feelings and build relationships with men, but they feel “shackled in an image.” They drive out all spontaneity and surprise from life - what actually makes life bright and interesting. Often such women find themselves alienated from the sphere of their feelings, since the need to keep everything under control leaves no room for any chance. Life begins to seem empty and meaningless. The cardinal solution for them is to accept their own weakness, their inability to do anything. This is associated with shame and humiliation because they are weak and lack self-control. But, if a witch accepts her feelings in all their diversity, this helps her come to humility, which allows her to open up to the flow of life. In the process of therapy, a woman Witch needs to realize: That the image of “first in everything” binds her like a shell. He protects her, first of all, from himself: from what is inside her - her Shadow - weakness, helplessness, dependence. This does not mean that the Witch (in life) needs to become weak. The witch already has considerable power and appreciates it. The problem (and solution) is rather to find a new source of strength - in vulnerability. The witch needs to realize that a woman should not compete with a man. She should not fight for her rights by force, “raping” men (otherwise they will stop seeing her as a woman and act towards her accordingly). Ideally, the easiest way to do this is by falling in love with a man who loves successful women and knows how to create comfort (primarily internal). Perhaps this is even a simpleton man (“fool” by the standards of society), with a developed feminine part of his personality. At least the Witch could learn something from him... for example, the philosophy of life (“I only know that I know nothing” - Socrates; “smart people are not scientists, scientists are not smart” - Lao -tzu). The essence of these statements is to reject the activities of the controlling mind that interfere with the comprehension of the highest truth. This truth is revealed to a person itself at the moment when the mind turns off and the soul is in a special state - “receptive passivity”. Is it just the Witch and Ivan the Fool together? Perhaps temporarily and in old age (when she becomes Baba Yaga)... In reality, this is easier to do through therapy... If the Witch manages to become softer and more sensitive in order to connect with the power she already has and gain access to her creative (feminine) part, she can become an excellent therapist. Since she was best in the past at suppressing men (turning them into monsters and animals), in the present she can direct her energy to the opposite pole. She can work successfully in the field", 2009
