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Many of us are familiar with the feeling when we give up, don’t want anything and it seems that nothing good lies ahead. Only vigorous activity will help you get out of this state. If you have a goal and strive for it, then there will always be meaning in life. Why do you need a goal? A life goal is what makes us jump out of bed cheerfully in the morning, work when we are very tired, and sit through the night. It helps you recognize your capabilities, leave your comfort zone, go beyond your previous thinking, and generates an irrepressible thirst for activity. Before you find goals for yourself, you need to clearly understand why you need them. Then it will be much easier to make a choice, separate the important from the unimportant, and not regret the decision made. A person who strives for something never has a feeling of the meaninglessness of life. How to learn to set goals. Many people don't set goals for themselves because they have no real experience of achieving them. They were not taught to be strong and confident and move forward every day. The habit of a daily routine, the fear of leaving the cozy everyday world prevents you from achieving positive results in any endeavor. In order to set achievable goals that will lead you to success, you must first understand yourself. Ask yourself the following questions and try to answer them as honestly as possible: 1. What gives me pleasure? With the help of a hobby you can achieve unprecedented victories in life. A striking example is Bill Gates, who became famous and rich thanks to his passion for computer technology since childhood. If you have something you love that inspires you and makes you act, don’t stop and develop in this direction. Who knows, maybe in two decades the whole world will be talking about you. 2. How do I spend my free time? Think about what you do and what you would like to do if you had a lot of free time and money. These interests will help you set goals and strive to achieve them. 3. What was my interest as a child? Often the child is not given the opportunity to decide on his own preferences. His parents take him to classes and clubs, satisfying their own ambitions. But, most likely, it was what you personally wanted. Maybe now is the time to try this? 4. What inspires me? In order to want to spend time and energy on achieving a goal, it must inspire and captivate. Remember what captivates you, because of which you are ready to stay awake at night. Set a goal in this area and strive for it. 5. What are my real desires? Think about what you spend most of your life on and what you really want. It is possible that a high salary, the latest iPhone model and a new car are not exactly what you dream of. This may be because it is more important to you not to have something, but to be someone. Answer yourself honestly who you would like to be. Start moving towards this goal.6.What is my ideal life? Every day you should have a little time for yourself. Relax, throw away all everyday thoughts and imagine yourself ten years from now. Who will you be? Who will be next to you? What do you wear, what do you drive, what do you look like? The clearer the picture, the easier it is to set goals based on it. Good luck in finding yourself and your goals)
