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In 1995, at the Vienna Institute of Applied Biocybernetics and Feedback (IPBOS), it was possible to measure and thereby prove the existence of human sexual energy (Kundalini energy). The measurements were carried out with a device that IPBOS called the RSE scanner. The scanner is based on an electroencephalograph and measures the fields generated by the brain. The author of the method for measuring the level of Kundalini energy, Gerhard Eggetsberger, writes: “... I drew attention to the connection between the Pubococcygeus muscle located at the base of the pelvis (hereinafter referred to as the PCE muscle) and the brain. When this muscle tenses in a certain position of the body, vital energy begins to flow through spinal cord and further spread through the nervous system. I found that with repeated repetition of this exercise, increasing energy supply to the brain occurs." Eggettsberger further describes this exercise and its description coincides with mulabandha - the root lock, which is described in detail in yoga technology. What was measured and how? The electrodes of the PCE scanner are installed on the surface of the head. The scanner measures the electrical activity of the central nervous system and the electrical fields that surround or penetrate the braincase. These fields can be measured by placing scanner sensors on the surface of the skin. Electric fields are mainly generated due to the activity of the different hemispheres of the brain. Simultaneous reading (on the LCD display) of the voltage of two measuring channels allows you to observe two measured points simultaneously and determine their polarity (potential difference). Switchable energy levels of the brain Our brain is designed in such a way that some of its cells (and zones) are activated only when a certain field strength is reached, awakening certain abilities. This means that there are levels of the brain and it is possible to transition (switch) from one level to another. Activation of a certain energy level entails the activation of all underlying levels. More energy means increased brain activity and the awakening of new abilities. In people with insignificant brain energy, mainly the brain stem and midbrain are connected - these are those parts of the brain that arose earlier than others in the process of human evolution. These people are controlled mainly not by the mind, but by the subconscious (instincts and reflexes); they are often victims of fears, and react automatically to external events. The centers responsible for higher spiritual qualities are located in the cerebral cortex and, depending on their location, require large amounts of energy to operate. Brain cells are primed by the burst of energy that occurs during orgasm. But these short bursts of energy are not able to activate dormant cells for a long time. The energy generated during orgasm is not enough to ensure long-term functioning of the brain structures, since the rise in energy in this case is very short-lived and it soon dissipates. Eggetsberger developed a special set of exercises (RFE training) based on performing mulabandha in combination with certain types of breathing. By taking measurements with an RFE scanner, he was able to show that this actually activates higher levels of the brain, and the work of the right hemisphere is activated. Eggettsberger's research also showed the positive effect of RSE training on the development of intuition.
